Arthur Grayborn

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Civic nationalism for noobs.

This is something that needs to be said: There is NEVER such a thing as "two equally qualified candidates." There is ALWAYS someone who is more qualified, even if it's just marginally.

Maybe someone has an extra three weeks of work experience, or scored two points higher out of a thousand on a "relevant knowledge" test. There are NEVER equally qualified workers. Ever.

If they're coming up with identical scores, then test more. Eventually one will come out ahead.

That's why I'd strongly prefer a blind hiring system, where you can't discriminate on race because you don't even know who the fuck you're looking at.

All you know is "College Degree X" with "Y GPA" and "Z score" on some skills test to filter out the chaff.

Or maybe it's the kind of job where people can submit a portfolio of prior work, so you can judge people on that.

Most interviewers, from what I've read, don't actually know what the fuck they're doing. Instead of hiring the best people for the job they just hire whoever is the best at bullshitting the interviewer.

Effectively, like the American voter they end up hiring the person they'd want to have a beer with instead of the person who is legitimately most suited for the job.

Given that, most companies would be better off if they fired the HR department and rented out a classroom in some local high school to have prospective hires take a pen and paper test. Whoever gets the best scores gets the job.

You'd probably end up with better workers, far more so than if you trusted an interviewer to do the job for you.

I don't trust voters, and I don't trust HR departments.

What I trust is an unbiased, objective performance metric. Even if it's just a knowledge test. At the very least you're selecting for people who are willing to study intensively in an effort to get the job they want.

Someone that's willing to spend 10+ hours cramming for a firefighter's exam is probably more qualified than some jackass from the local community college. If you're worried about physical abilities, then have them take a physical test too and add that to their overall score.

Also, accuracy goes to shit when you're far away.

The problem with the 2016 election is they started shaming everyone for supporting Trump, so a ton of them either didn't answer the pollsters or they lied and said they were a Hillary voter.

Not necessarily. People in the government have explicitly barred any attempts at validating the citizenship of registered voters, and the "voter fraud" research they've done has never involved actually going through the fucking registry and validating the citizenship of people who vote.

Just because Hillary Clinton "wins" the popular vote, that doesn't mean eligible voters supported her over Trump. Quite frankly, I'm not willing to "believe" any of our elections until we validate the voter registry and purge anyone who can't verify citizenship.

I think California and New York had a fuckload of illegals and noncitizens voting when they shouldn't have been, and I'm going to hold that belief until they go through their registry, name by name, and then arrest anyone who shows up that isn't a citizen.

They've never once done a name-by-name check of the voter registry in ANY state, and they really need to.

No, and Cali gave driver IDs to illegals, which they can use to register to vote.

So don't believe shit in the election numbers coming out of California.

The election numbers CANNOT be trusted. Not until they validate the registry.

Until we get a name-by-name validation, where people have to prove their citizenship to remain on the rolls (Hell, the DNC can pony up the cash and volunteer hours to assist people in finding documents), I'm not going to believe the results of any election, especially coming from places like New York and California.

@Swedishmafia101 - Black people have given their votes to the DNC since polls fucking started. Even in 1956, the year of the "Southern Manifesto," literally a year after the death of Emmet Till, black people STILL voted Democrat. All that happened when Democrats stopped lynching black people, is that their share of the black vote went from 61% all the way to 90%+, and it's been there ever since.

When Democrats stopped lynching black people, they went from 60%+ of the black vote to 90%+.

That, and a lot of Southern Whites told the DNC to go to hell.

But make no mistake: Even when Democrats are literally hanging black men from trees, they STILL get the black vote. That will never, ever, change. Not in our lifetimes.

Black people hate the Republican Party so much they'll vote for a pro-lynching segregationist Democrat over a milquetoast neo-con.

There's a clip out there of the head of the California legislature openly admitting that half his family are in the nation illegally, working on fake social security cards and fake ID cards.

Kevin De Leon, I think his name was.

Openly admitted, in the middle of the fucking legislature, that his family could just go down to the park and get all of the documents they need. Driver's license. Social security card. Everything you need to vote or hold a job.

That is why I don't trust elections.

"Will of the people" means shit to me. All I care about is results, and I'd support a monarchy if that gave us a better outcome. All I care about is results, and I don't care which system we need to get there.

Dems have a super perverse incentive structure: Poor people and single moms tend to vote Democrat, so that gives them a direct incentive to keep people poor and to break up the American family.

Sure, they're fucking over children and a fuckload of the most vulnerable Americans, but when mothers don't have a dad in the house to help them raise kids, a ton of people are homeless, and everyone's raging over their shitty situation, all you have to do is promise results.

You don't even have to DELIVER on those results, as long as people think you care.

Hence: Elections are bullshit.

Oh, I agree.

Tons of whites need to go too.

Government benefits. On the net, black people benefit while white people pay more than they get back.

It's all about the money.

Even black people who are well off, tend to rely on the state for their income. The only difference is that it's a government job instead of a welfare check.

Or a government contractor with a diversity mandate.

I like the idea of having a state. I just don't think it should be a Democracy in the way we understand Democratic systems today. I COULD be convinced of the merits of a weighted Democracy, where we have some kind of civic knowledge test that determines the weighting of each vote.

@Samaritan - Weighted voting allows everyone to have a say, but the village idiot has less of a say. It's effectively a half-measure in between "everyone having an equal say" and "only qualified people having a say."

Not necessarily. Cheating rates on the SAT and ACT exam are extremely low.

Just combine the SAT and ACT exam with the U.S. Citizenship test.

Your combined score is the weight of your vote in every election.

Nah. We shouldn't do social scores.

If you commit a felony, you don't get to vote.

@ebinmemes22 - Hence why I'm black pilled, and just thinking about what kind of system could be created after the existing one is burned to the ground.

Stupid whites shouldn't vote either.

Have your SAT score determine your tax rate. The lower the score, the higher the rate. ๐Ÿ˜›

You can already retake it at any age.

Jeeze, imagine if ANY state actually did that. "Everyone born after DATE will no longer pay the standard rate. Instead, their rate will be determined by a standardized test."

"Lower scores will give you a higher tax rate."

"Tax applies to welfare benefits too."

No. They. Won't.

Burglary. Robbery. Drug dealing. Theft.

We don't have enough jail cells. Literally already have the world's largest prison population.

We'd have to start executing people for petty crimes just to have enough jail cells for everyone.

Nah, because that means the taxpayers are on the hook for rape.

"Taxpayers can only consent to other taxpayers. If a non-taxpayer has sex with a taxpayer, it's rape."

The one who can't consent is a victim, not the perpetrator.

Your system would criminalize taxpayers who have sex with jobless people. ๐Ÿ˜›

Nah. Just make it so taxpayers are the only ones who are able to give consent, and only to other taxpayers. If someone doesn't pay taxes, and they have sex, they're on the hook for rape regardless.

I just think the world is fucked. I don't think it can be solved in the near term, and we're looking at a decades long decline that will be punctuated by the return of hardline Christianity thanks to the high birth rates of the Amish, Mormons, and Evangelical Christians.

Even Israel is fucked in the long run, because the Salafists and Orthodox have the highest birth rates.

On a purely objective standpoint, stupid people and religious fundamentalists are winning the future. It's going to be Africans vs Fundamentalist Christians vs Asians vs Muslims, with a minority of SJWs running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Normally you'd expect Asians to win, but their baby bust is going to fuck them over HARD.

China's per capita carbon emissions are actually worse than Europe at this point. Their total emissions beat Europe and the USA combined.

@Muten - That's why wealthy Chinese people are bailing at floodwater levels. People who are in the know are trying to GTFO while they still can.

They're building coal faster.

China's only building renewables to boost their international reputation. They built a giant wind farm that isn't even hooked up to the grid.

A decreasing population only makes sense if you're willing to hang old people out to dry, and I'm not sure we're ready to do that.

Yeah, but "lower birth rates" was supposed to mean 2.1 kids. Replacement rate. Steady population.

@Tato - The Belle Delphine situation is fucking hilarious, TBH. Have you seen H3H3's video on it?

China and India are sending people overseas by the boatload, so I wouldn't count on a downfall anytime soon.

China's rules are pretending to play by the rules while secretly doing whatever the fuck it takes to get ahead of everyone else. Half of their wind farms aren't even connected. They just built it to boost their international reputation and pump up their economic numbers for a bit.

Tariffs. Literally just do tariffs.

China won't be able to colonize Africa if their economy implodes.

Just create a NATO trading zone where the current "free trade" system applies. Everyone outside that zone gets hit with a 10% tariff on all products.

We'll get more old dependents AND more working age people who are fucking useless, at the same god damned time. You're going to have an army of senior citizens marching with an army of nogs, demanding an explanation for why the government can't deliver their gibs checks anymore.

We should be starting societies over from scratch literally yesterday. Go Amish, but without the religious fundamentalism or the technological backwardsness.

They already have their escape plans set in place.

How many mansions does New Zealand have, that are nothing more than an escape route for America's rich and famous?

@Samaritan - Lots of communities have started over from nothing. The Mormons did it, and now they're coming on strong and slowly taking over.

People need to just check out of mainstream society and start over. Start from scratch. Find people who are compatible with what they think society should be like, and start some fucking colonies in the parts of Utah the Mormons won't touch or something like that.

Maybe set up next to an adult video store, because the Fundies will avoid those like the plague.

My idea: Find a few thousand people who are worth building a society around, fuck off to the middle of nowhere and build a town. Homeschool literally all of the children, with the community providing "tutors" in a "simulated classroom environment" that looks exactly like a normal classroom, but instead call it a "tutoring center."

Maintain high birth rates, an insular culture that isn't very friendly to outsiders, and just keep growing until you hit the kind of critical mass that allows you to take over.

You'd be surprised, especially if your goal is to start with a single small town.

@Redneo - Build a successor society, one to replace the current model.

Yeah, so?

This isn't a short term solution.

There are no single-generation fixes.

Goal is just to get a town of a few thousand people and start growing at a rapid clip. If you have an insular culture, never put up signs on any of the gas stations or restaurants, avoid talking to outsiders, you'll end up being known as this "unfriendly cult-like place that people would rather avoid."

Meanwhile you keep growing and growing.

Nah, you don't need compounds. Just don't put signs on anything.

Now the Mormon Church is one of the wealthiest organizations in the country.

@Muten - Neolib types have already told the rural areas to go to hell, because they think the entire area should be surrendered to either nature or some farming robots.

@Muten - If you've got an insular culture, they never will be profitable.

Mid-1800s, if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah, and I'm not proposing a short term fix.

If you fuck off to some backwater area, never advertise, never put up signs, and take pride in not being friendly towards outsiders, then nobody is ever going to want to go there. Just make sure you steadily build more and more gated communities, so you'll end up with this iron wall of "Don't come here" staring people in the face.

Hence why you don't want to become Amish 2.0.

You want to keep up with modern technology. Just not the culture.

@Muten - Not if your entire society is built around gated communities, where one of the existing residents has to sponsor you.

Polygamy COULD work, in theory, if you could manipulate the relative birth rates of men and women. You don't want to end up with a bunch of partner-less men though, not unless you're willing to embrace turning a bunch of men into traps.

We actually already have the tech for creating more female babies, where you do some medical sort of thing pre-selecting the sperm.

What most women want is the maximum status for the least amount of effort.

They'll dangle their assets in front of a man if they think he's a step up from their current partner.

Yeah, but there are a lot of moderately wealthy guys out there who game women's feelings to get laid literally hundreds of times a year, convincing a fuckload of women in the process that they can get and/or deserve such a guy.

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