Message from @commonplebe - IN
Discord ID: 322145693697572875
@everyone If you're good with making memes or promotional material for events like this, please post your creations here so they can be shared on Faceberg, Twitter, Gab, WrongThink, Minds, Reddit, 4chan, etc. Use that meme magic to make Charlottesville OUR territory.
Haha that's good
Here's one without the URL if someone wants a plain one:
Here is just the picture if other people want to use it
Here's a print quality full 8.5x11 flyer size (now with lightening bolts!)
@commonplebe - IN nice!
@commonplebe - IN Sick Skyrim reference
i maek dis
@commonplebe - IN "You Imperial bastards!"
Thanks @norah fox
That's sharp Yankee!
The fact that you can not read the word Replaced fully at any point detracts from the effect
i fix
Are we pushing the event date publicly yet?
I havent posted this anywhere btw. In case the date is DL
@Hand Banana @AltCelt(IL) yes the date has been made public
Here is the Facebook event{"ref":"29"%2C"ref_notif_type":"plan_user_associated"%2C"action_history":"null"}¬if_t=plan_user_associated¬if_id=1496701461277982
RT pls