Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 609052721491869721
@Weez use the GIF of that instead of the emoji, you jew
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck show tail or gtfo
Staff can't track what I posted unless they're in the same server as I got it from
Checkmate staff.
@Muten 99% sure there's some furry shit in that torrent I sent you. Also, MLP too IIRC
To them, it's just an emote. A name.
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck I don't doubt it, faggot
@Muten it was under the Milf tag
(within the first 11-12 pages)
Bruv, there's also some inflation porn in there, too
All hail the princess
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck There's no hiding your horse fucketry
<:drakeNo:596577411777429525> <:drakeYea:596577437182197791>
All hail
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck >furfag
Trotsky is a pony?
@Muten I need you to say the 14 words
<:marx:496391673878937602> Everyone should be proud of this brave man.
I'd put the file in chat, but I'd rather not get yeeted
I've learnt from my mistakes
Downloading it, is a poor decision
We must secure the existence of our Ponies, and a future for white Ponies.
Can I get an F in chat for Africa
What happened to your eyebrow