
Discord ID: 409458766103445524

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Hullo. Is this where we do the talkings?

So what is the deal here, though?

I follow a good few of the actual, proper liberals. Not like those american faux liberals.

This something based on what Sargon made?

I know. He has the Athens server.

This a place for political discussions that is a bit out of the way?

And a place to spout the spicy maymays?

*The spice must flow.*

Aha. Alrighty.

Thank you, Sergio.

It'd just be a good idea overall to enact a general increase in IQ with a bit of cheap gene-editing provided to the populace on the cheap.

Though, genetic science interacting with society can really crash and burn.

Just take Gattaca.

***French.*** See? There's your problem.


Not about race. About culture. And the German mindset.

You are going to enjoy the responsibilities of living in the best country ever. You want to undermine it? Fuck off. You want equity? Fuck off. You want undeserved gibs? Fuck off. You won't pay into the system? Fuck off. You try to be corrupt? Fuck off.

The only equality you'll get is that of opportunity and the law. The social welfare systems we put into place are dangerous, but at times necessary. Freedom carries within it certain responsibilities, which is why chucklefucks try to write away their freedoms.

Oh yeah, and fuck the open borders, globalist hacks, who hurt everyone with their politics of selfish rules for thee, but not for me.

Whew, lad.

The (((plan))) is proceeding apace.

The NPCs may come to a moment of self-realization that they are just that.

A necessary evil from the sole, legal exerciser of force.

Sargon having a little bit of fun, while the cameras are running. ๐Ÿ˜„

used to?

Sooner or later the Old Guard Reps will fall.

But not before the Dems fall to their New Red Guard socialists. ^^

Deus Vult!

I mean. For the Emperor!

I'd be proud to have good, proper Freedom exported here.

As in *good* and *proper*.

Not Hollywood leftist bullcrap.

I am cool with them getting tired of corrupt socialists and choosing to elect Chadonaro.

Could also just be someone who's bought into that whole Metokur/AR thing about liberalistism. That perjorative bending of the word did come from that direction.

But hell, I dunno. He is the only one who could tell us what for real.

So, y'know what is done to foxes, eh?

Anyone care to tell me who got a majority and who won in most respects?


It's more like german.


Oh me, oh my.

Huh, what is this arcane majykk?

Let's apply market economics to human relationships. Nothing can go wrong!

By that standard, I suppose whoever he likes also makes him an extremist.

What would all these people be connecting to? Your phone?

Your accounts? What?

What is a CML? Can you eat it?

The only good furry is a dead one.

Nice art you made there.

Original art being the operative word. If I get the intention right, this is for when people **make** something that is interesting.
If you make softcore lewds, well, you have a place here.
If you make epic maymays, then you have a place here.
If you make art, then you have a place here.
If someone else made it? Git outta here, boy!

In space, your bullet keeps on going.

oy vey

tfw a greek with math and no advanced tech could calculate that Terra is round, but half-brained nitwits thousands of years later will go to great lengths in opposition to well evidenced claims to refute it.

@2K Imagine how long it has had to rot.

That is one hell of a stinky blue cheese.

Holodomor was pretty fucking terrible.

Commies need to be yeeted for what they have done.

@Death in June Forcibly taking the food out of the mouths of peasants doesn't strike me as a very natural way to have a famine. Especially if you already have it.

@Death in June So where is your likely estimate at whenever it comes to estimates of "enemies of liberalism"?

@Death in June Do you say only 50% are real? 60%? 10%?

@Death in June Look up Lysenkoism. The commies didn't help matters. And the procurement meant they could target undesirables.

Hmmmm. Feeding the few people loyal to you while starving the rest... a pro gamer move?

A cup tiddies, only looks good on photos where has she has tons of *expertly applied make-up* and her photos are probably doctored more or less.

She's still a thot.

Thottery is thottery.

defeat them on our terms, not theirs

ebb and flow

we just won't grow and grow uncontrollably, like a cancer cell

Yeah, we have to rebuild it.

All of it.

Fact is that we can rebuild all of it and minimize pollution.


It would be fucking difficult. Insanely so.

Problem is that it really fucking easy to go with the alternative of importing cunts and destroying our own countries.

Especially for the big bois.

Profit motive over any sort of traditional morality.

Anywheres against somewheres.

okay... two-fingered wisdom?

Was that an innuendo?

Or does the Bodhisavatta mean something else by that?

Every North Korean is equal, except the pigs are more equal.


2019-07-14 00:52:57 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Didn't you know that the morality statute also covers producing meat for consumption ***and*** the consumption of meat?!

2019-07-14 01:19:18 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Proverbs 9:7-8 โ€“ Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth
Galatians 4:16 - Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

2019-07-14 01:50:10 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

@Short Fat Otaku One of us! One of us! One of us!

2019-07-14 01:50:34 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

I'd like to inform everyone that Dev has no rank protection from pinging.

2019-07-14 01:50:46 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

***GET HIM, BOYS!***

2019-07-14 01:50:54 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

<:TimeToBarn:590594455657119812> <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>

Short Fat Otaku has no rank protection from being @'ed. Just for those of you that want vengeance for all his pings.

@Short Fat Otaku Is the puss in your Dumping With Scrumps an acquaintance, your "gf" or scrump's "gf", by the by? I always sorta wondered.

2019-07-14 01:59:46 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

There is such a thing as burn-out and there is such a thing as jobs just not paying properly.

2019-07-14 02:00:12 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Question is, are people working that much extra because they have to or because they want to?

Soviets were as bad as the natsocs, if not infinitely worse.

So I'll take fascists and national-socialists over commies any day.

This is the peak of all performance.

You may not like it, but Hat Girl is best girl.

<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

I am glad to see people cherish the power of the god of ~~thunder~~ lightning.

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