Message from @Weez

Discord ID: 615239672095965222

2019-08-25 17:40:26 UTC  

@Weez Is this from a particular person?

2019-08-25 17:40:28 UTC  

@Weez but you do

2019-08-25 17:40:29 UTC  

You pay extra for that.

2019-08-25 17:40:34 UTC  

it;s a current of reactionary-inspired nationalism

2019-08-25 17:40:37 UTC  

Pay extra and I'll implement it.

2019-08-25 17:40:42 UTC  

not in schools you don't

2019-08-25 17:41:01 UTC  

@Zakhan it was basically the step between reactionary ideas and Fasci ideas

2019-08-25 17:41:09 UTC  

well most of us in here act like 'post-moderists' in language for the simple fact that we speak more than one language and thus often use less complicated words because we lack the full vocabulary in the second language

2019-08-25 17:41:15 UTC  

most integralists are ethno nat thou

2019-08-25 17:41:19 UTC

2019-08-25 17:41:20 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:41:22 UTC  

slazar wasn't

2019-08-25 17:41:25 UTC

2019-08-25 17:41:38 UTC  

@Weez travelling into unknown territory for me now

2019-08-25 17:41:51 UTC  

@SideTracker Also: prolly the Catholicism

2019-08-25 17:41:52 UTC  

Yes because Salazar was enforcing it but no because Portuguese always had a strong family centred culture. @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

2019-08-25 17:42:24 UTC  

The space after /usr / means that everything in the /usr/ directory gets removed.

2019-08-25 17:42:40 UTC  

rm -rf /usr /

2019-08-25 17:42:40 UTC  

The /usr/ directory on Linux is where every single user stores information..

2019-08-25 17:42:47 UTC  

Documents. Pictures. Libraries.

2019-08-25 17:42:48 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:42:52 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:42:53 UTC  

ALL GONE <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-08-25 17:42:53 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:43:02 UTC  

not really; /home

2019-08-25 17:43:03 UTC  

Your royals aren't disgusting lefties like those of your neighbors too... I mean u have no more royals ofc

2019-08-25 17:43:13 UTC  

usr is for shared and application data

2019-08-25 17:43:24 UTC  

programmer jokes

2019-08-25 17:43:28 UTC  

united socialist republic, of course

2019-08-25 17:43:28 UTC  

You never had Spain's bolshevik revolution

2019-08-25 17:43:36 UTC  

and yet you saw their shit 1st hand

2019-08-25 17:43:38 UTC  

this is a GOOD thing

2019-08-25 17:43:39 UTC  

they tried

2019-08-25 17:43:40 UTC  

I suppose yeah

2019-08-25 17:43:56 UTC  

honestly there aint a better way to erode any values then having a dictatorial oppressive government enforcing said tradition @Tonight at 11 - DOOM
makes people want to turn against them in protest

2019-08-25 17:44:09 UTC

2019-08-25 17:44:09 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:44:11 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:44:12 UTC  


2019-08-25 17:44:26 UTC  

keep all data out of /usr so that ideally the OS mounts can be swapped and updated without touching data

2019-08-25 17:44:34 UTC  

but it's a matter of timing