Message from @Master♒le
Discord ID: 634535637470412800
or at least a reboot
re something god damn it
tfw I've actually said exactly one of those
There are times where the censored costume is superior to the uncensored version
more for the imagination
there was a special edit of Hot Fuzz in the special features
where they reaplced expletive words with safe ones
made it funnier
censorship for the effect is fun, rather than for the purpose of censoring
why cant we just research obedient women?
theyre called socialist country asians
very obedient
Tbf, wolfgirls would be able to understand the concept of loyalty. I don't trust cats to suddenly develop empathy just because of anthropization
Trotsky was expelled from the USSR in 1929. The first KFC store was opened in 1930. Coincidence? Don’t think so.
her boyfriend is probably not the only one
(he's a beta cuck)
Wher is this going?
Leave the smug hat alone
No lewding the loli.
Ravioli ravioli don’t lewd the hat loli
Lolis are for hug, not fug!
I swear to god if discord doesnt stop scrolling my screen upwards whenever I try to look at memes I'll make the holocaust look like a joke