Message from @Goodwood of Dank™

Discord ID: 618996448499073068

2019-09-01 20:26:00 UTC  

u talking about EU, nibba?
wtf? cuz misery loves company?

2019-09-01 20:26:06 UTC  

selfish bastard

2019-09-03 05:31:02 UTC  


2019-09-03 05:32:06 UTC  

Now to the debate part: If these women are so depressed, why are they travelling around the world, to tell us they're being like nuns and chastising themselves.

2019-09-03 05:32:43 UTC  

Back in the day we had nunnaries- what happened to them? Maybe these women need to become nuns?

2019-09-03 05:36:24 UTC  

I mean, I feel sorry for men because, there is no pleasing a woman like that. No matter how big your cock is, or how intellectually honored you are. These women will reject you because they think that the climate, is balls. I know it is balls. I know it is crap. Be nuns! Wear a chasty belt but, most of all get with the rest of us who are trying to get on in life. You are so out of touch you belong in a nunnery.

Men have never been to that point where they want to disown their own gender. So much so that they want more monasteries! It is absurd.

2019-09-03 06:07:25 UTC  

Breaking News: men and women are different and deserve to be treated differently

2019-09-03 06:07:51 UTC  

Breaking News: ETBrooD was just metoo'd

2019-09-03 06:08:02 UTC  

Breaking News: ETBrooD just committed suicide

2019-09-03 06:10:19 UTC  

In other news: woman who's feelings were hurt by the deceased ETBrooD's misogynistic statements publishes book titled "how I was raped by the male gaze"

2019-09-03 06:10:43 UTC  

Also: women are the real victims of ETBrooD's suicide

2019-09-03 08:17:51 UTC  

@ETBrooD I find you suiciding yourself offensive. Men are more successful at suiciding themselves than women. You should have failed in the name of equality.

2019-09-03 09:57:11 UTC  

MMM, sorry Bernie bros, there is no war.

2019-09-03 10:44:35 UTC  

@Weez Play the game! We are meant to morn you because you are male priveliged and you are going to commit suicide. We all want to weep over you and then blame climate change instead of the fact, we women came out with a lame arse excuse not to rodger you, or to play pokey holey with. Damn it, it is the end of the privelidged race! They are killing themselves. WE NEED TO FEEL PITY!!

2019-09-05 02:29:31 UTC  

It's been 10 year's since the last European Economic crash and yet, they've had a population increase of over 2.4 million migrants. Now, these are not your typical, literate university scholars whom are flying in to do ERASMUS. These are people whom went to Italy on a boat from Africa. Then, claim stuff when they get there. Yet, Italy want to make their population increase.

Yeah, standards and quality of life was about to improve with Salvini. I guarantee you.

2019-09-05 02:30:51 UTC  

I mean , a 1.1 million population increase plus, you have 2.4 million migrants, spells:

High crime,
Housing shortages ,
No spots at school.

2019-09-05 02:30:53 UTC  

Do you wanna get teabagged? <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-05 02:32:34 UTC  

@Goodwood of Dank™ Some Euroskeptics are like me, they smell the bullshit. Especially when, there were riots for over 8 months in France. These Italians have obviously lost their will and hope on people.

2019-09-05 02:32:55 UTC  

I was joking, miss.

2019-09-05 02:33:39 UTC  

I was double dunking my teabag!

2019-09-05 02:34:19 UTC  

You'll never be able to afford a decent teabag again!

2019-09-05 02:35:21 UTC  

I don't drink tea, dear.

2019-09-05 03:00:22 UTC  

There's always one! I was contemplating on whether or not it is worth seeing Europe fail because, everytime they have a huge increase in population, they go to war with one another.

2019-09-05 04:13:39 UTC  

@TEABAG!!! So it was a EU plot?

2019-09-05 04:14:17 UTC  

I see a mass uprising occuring in Europe.

2019-09-05 04:16:35 UTC

2019-09-05 04:17:23 UTC  

As they were meant to reject these people. Okay. As the Dublin treaty was supposed to protect the weakness in Economy. Then, yes, they look like they are contradicting themselves and are about to have more conflict.

2019-09-05 04:20:19 UTC  

"Replacement is a far right conspiracy theory" @TEABAG!!!

2019-09-05 04:24:10 UTC  

It almost like a certain George Soro's pulled the strings.

2019-09-05 06:07:44 UTC  

It's not a Soros agreement. He is one of the many thanks signed up to the UN migration pact, which contradicts the Dublin Treaty. I am not one sided on it. I see many sides to this argument or open borders failing

2019-09-05 06:08:53 UTC  

From a left perspective, they should be looking at the climate change reality and the fact that if these people weren't able to take care of their own environment where they live, perhaps it's a no win situation.

2019-09-05 07:49:50 UTC  

>High crime

You forgot more rape gangs and white women/children "disappearing" and the government actively not doing shit about it

2019-09-05 07:51:39 UTC  

because leftists value a rapists vote more than a rape victim

2019-09-05 09:19:12 UTC  

@Violetskies wait a minute !

"No, you have white privilege, you can't claim all that about Rape victims. It's all your fault ."

2019-09-06 11:33:27 UTC  


2019-09-06 18:09:43 UTC  

Bout time

2019-09-08 15:56:44 UTC  

So for the first time since I joined the server a couple days ago I decided to sit in on the general chat and as i'm writing this its still going on, but two people were going at it about Communism, and anti-communism. And a comment I just made in the chat kind of inspired me to make a invitation to debate something.

The human race as a whole is always looking for two different things in my eyes. Freedom, and Security(or one could call this Peace of Mind.) These two things can be provided by the basis of our societies, a governing body. There are many systems that provide this, Socialism, Communism, Democracy, Monarchy. All of these were brought up as "Solutions" for these two needs at one point or another in the squabbles of the people in <#613767975614283832> . However, it comes to another problem entirely.

The ones who agree with these 4 ideals always clash with the other. Some more than others. This leads into a loop of sorts where neither group can progress their own ideals because they believe the others who disagree are too inept to see "the truth".

To that point, what I would like to ask is the question of, is this true? Are we as a race holding each other back by constantly being at each others throats about what is right or wrong, or is their truly only one way things will be set right? And if so, what would it be?