Message from @Edelgard von Hresvelg
Discord ID: 619992285857316874
Cuz I am.
sorry to hear that
Hillary is president right?
shes MY president at least
racking up them killscores
shes got the higher KDA than trump
clearly the better player
she still hasn't beaten the great european players though.
oh no sorry, trump is responsible for more deaths than stalin and hitler
i forgot
thats too wholesum for these lands
It's the wholesome we need
But not the one we deserve
Hep breed wuff into a pug. Pug can’t breathe and dies
Do you guys ever just
want to hasten he heat death of the universe
No I just want Blood for the Blood God
Khorne cares not how the blood flows
thats blackface
@Steyr "Thick" Shotgun Is that show actually any good?
@Coolitic lol