Message from @SideTracker

Discord ID: 618089244774236173

2019-09-02 14:21:24 UTC  

Time to nuke LA?

2019-09-02 14:21:34 UTC  

let's see them survive these bullets <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-09-02 14:21:35 UTC  

Tory-Brexit coaliton hopefully

2019-09-02 14:21:42 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl It was. Albeit shooting with a giant bruise on my chest did slightly diminish the quality of fun

2019-09-02 14:21:43 UTC  

Some movies are more honest

2019-09-02 14:21:48 UTC  

if there's an election

2019-09-02 14:21:53 UTC  

UKIP though.

2019-09-02 14:21:54 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:21:58 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:22:13 UTC  

please the BNP has a higher chance of winning then them

2019-09-02 14:22:31 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:22:35 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:23:12 UTC  

Apparently Jacob Rees mogg thinks he knows more about medicine than the doctor consulted to write operation yellowhammer

2019-09-02 14:23:20 UTC  

He sounded quite triggered on the radio

2019-09-02 14:24:06 UTC

2019-09-02 14:24:42 UTC  

Ukip is just a sad meme at this point

2019-09-02 14:25:37 UTC  

Sargon Ukipped it

2019-09-02 14:25:50 UTC  

You kipped it into oblivion

2019-09-02 14:25:58 UTC  

But it is for the grater good

2019-09-02 14:25:59 UTC  

Ok think of it this way
At least Sargon was vilified on National Television
Where any of you that notorious, will any of you even reach those heights?
Respect the Soyfather

2019-09-02 14:26:12 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:27:23 UTC  

Wtf is that graph

2019-09-02 14:27:24 UTC  

Comrade Corbyn averages -50%, thats not 50% people dislike him and 50% like, thats 70% dislike and only 20% like

2019-09-02 14:28:03 UTC  

boris is fluctuating but seems to be 50/50 5% or 6% positive

2019-09-02 14:28:26 UTC  

390 seats

2019-09-02 14:29:00 UTC  

Corbin for prime minister ᵒᶠ ᶦˢʳᵃᵉˡ

2019-09-02 14:29:06 UTC  


2019-09-02 14:29:13 UTC  

God I hope not

2019-09-02 14:29:14 UTC  

How have the conservatives not gotten yeeted out

2019-09-02 14:29:19 UTC  

Considering how hated may was

2019-09-02 14:29:24 UTC  

boris bounce

2019-09-02 14:29:25 UTC  

man i hope there's a Tory-Brexit gov

2019-09-02 14:29:32 UTC  

I hope so too

2019-09-02 14:29:37 UTC  

Cuz Brits are pussywhipped

2019-09-02 14:30:26 UTC  

Then again I think everyone knows that a labor gov would spell the death of the country

2019-09-02 14:31:09 UTC  

Vote Queen for dictator now

2019-09-02 14:31:25 UTC  

The queen is incompetent tho

2019-09-02 14:31:30 UTC  

so what?

2019-09-02 14:31:32 UTC  

Completely uninvolved in politics

2019-09-02 14:31:32 UTC  

Funny when the current conservative govt has seen the biggest drop in the UK currency, biggest drop in investment and the closest we’ve been to a recession since the global crisis