Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 619585822043144226
“Ni Metoru” —Doppio
that is the problem with 'terrorism'
Someone posted a meme earlier of a black guy sabotaging his own bike, blaming white people, then crying for white peoples help.
i swear they did it on purpose
Where does this Ben Shapiro feet meme come from?
Aoc needs to fuck Ben Shapiro
people naturally are split between two general personality profiles: 1) overly cautious; 2) risk takers
Observers: just here to watch the shit show.
this is beneficial for obvious reasons; sometimes u hide from the bear in the cave; and survive; other times the bear eventual comes into the cave
@Lucienne d'Anwyl Nam?
Literally rhodesia
That's spicy
Blind faggot
I don’t know about Rhodesia, dumbcunt
the risk-takers with the naturally high tolerance need to encourage the overly cautious to take risk and the cautious need to contain the risk takes to balance each other otu
when you default to always favoring the most cautious, you penalize the risk takers who are the only ones that can handle certain situations
go on fanfaction
Post results here
Any opinions on Greta Thunberg?
Media shill
if a boy larger than most is taught to always ask permission before trying to stop an assailent, he will remain idle while the waymen and overly cautious are paralyzed in the moment
this means shooters and terrorist will be MORE successful and will actual incentivize that behaviour because there is less risk they will be stopped before they can act
Why do liberal men often go to prison first.
5'1?!! my third leg is that tall!
suck to be jew