Vander Loonéy

Discord ID: 181769371880783873

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Twitter offline? or did they just block my account randomly?

Tried multiple browsers, everytime i log in same crap

Did trump drop his dick on the button after his social media summit

Was today, was reading his tweets, but couldn't load comments 😦 i wanted to see some TDS

It's not just your AI speaker, but also your phone, smart tv and they even tap the mic from your pc if you keep that thing plugged in.

If it runs android, google has it's eyes and ears on you.

I have held a regular phone with an android OS on it mate, you can do it.

Wouldn't be surprised if twitter took itself down to mess with trumps summit

Twitter apocalypse, <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Sorry, was taking a piss on sargons server, toilet was to far away

Don't blame me, blame the company that sells me drinks. ^^

Sargons server is quite a few miles away from me, so it ain't laziness. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

yeah constantly stops, have to refresh the page

worst place to get a zit, is on your ass.


I'm surprised how aware trump is about the effects of his tweets.

Tim "beanie" pool a center left, that first got called conservative, today right winger, tomorrow a nazi. And thus the circle is complete, he arrived at the far left. 😏

Has anybody spotted the beanie in the crowd yet?

You can watch CNN's views on it later tonight. ^^

true, google was build with US funds

This is a serious case of manspreading. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

because google is working with china

Who do you think designed that social credit system

Patience weezy, it ain't over yet.

Here it is

China is a paper house tbh

He is mocking antifa now.

First you have to define what type of engine. ^^

stream ended when questions came 😭

Roman boomers are the worst

damn, what's with the lag on discord, they also getting hit?

gifs aren't even working. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

If only he stopped using the cloud to stash his porn.

I hope it lands on africa, that place needs cleaning up.

I want africa to burn and start a new

that thing is massive, if it crashes into earth we might not see the sun for a couple of generations

That beanie is actually surgically attached to his skull, he is afraid somebody might steal it. @Anubis

I can't imagine tim without his beanie tbh. It's his natural hair. ^^

I know a fair few dudes that started balding in their twenties

Can't remember DD being so brown

I have no idea who she is tbh.

She won't be set for life if she doesn't manage her money properly, most people to get rich fast lose it all fast as well. No money handling skills

If tim was DD he would have post its all over his place.

I'm fine with growing their own stuff, just as long as no malicious acts accompany it, like selling it to young kids and such.

90s rom coms

That's also often some of the best material that 70 show had, round that "table"

First few seasons were amusing, but stuff like that grows stale fast

Listen to that piece, it's a wonderful sonata perfect for this topic since the devil plays a role. ^^

Everybody bullies at some point

Women are the worst bullies of all tbh, they go for the psychological kind, men usually just beat the crap out of somebody of laugh at him

Make sure to listen to it all, it's a piece of emotion and progression @svarozhyc

I'm already prepared for the commies, i played enough helicopter simulations. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

In the age of the internet school is pointless for an intelligent person, sadly the internet wasn't much of a thing when i was young.

Sometimes you just have to work with your hands and put your mind on zero, let the subconscious do it's thing.

Here is some different Bullshit for you guys. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Yeah But NBS gets more views. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

I haven't been to cinema in atleast 8 to 9 years, no reason for it. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

WHat i heard is she sold bathwater and people got herpes from it.

Who the hell buys bathwater anyways

The other stars you will see when he hits you.

Must we break out our qur'ans

Thank you

About time i got some validation. <a:pepeJAMMER:571421295158362113>

Gift, <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

So what you think will happen with the middle east after the european civil war?

They can have my porn data. ^^

What you guys think of Dr.stone anime?

@wacka No clue, how senko will survive the last cliff hanger, but the people that have read the manga say the series gets even better soon.
Atm i finally started watching "the rising of the shield hero" It's like a good rpg game, but feminists put in some questlines. No, shortage of lolis.

No, harem animes ruin anime

When you wanna crusade old school, but still want to give it a modern twist.

I dislike the even hotter summers, but the winters are getting colder here as well. I enjoy seeing the foreigners in 3 coats still shivering, while i stand there in my t shirt and shorts

Harr harr fidelity di di, being a pirate is alright with me.

Every 12 years, with 2012 being a limited mayan edition.

Well go bitch at china and india then.

Most of Europes brave men died in WW2

The gene pool has become rotten

Might be for the best

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