Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 635481117285417010

2019-10-19 23:15:59 UTC  

Any Aussies?

2019-10-19 23:23:59 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Caspian report is my nigga

2019-10-19 23:24:09 UTC  

Nice to see another fan of him

2019-10-19 23:25:48 UTC  

Apparently Weez watches him

2019-10-20 02:09:13 UTC  

I watched his video about the Pre-Islamic history of the Middle East.

2019-10-20 05:38:07 UTC  

I’m starting to wonder how much of the civil unrest in chile is engineered, possibly by george soros. He’s buying massive amounts of farmland and flooding these nations with African immigrants.

2019-10-20 08:07:24 UTC  


2019-10-20 08:07:31 UTC  

Why would he target Chile?

2019-10-20 08:09:24 UTC  

Wtf does he have to gain from all of this?

2019-10-20 09:18:51 UTC  


2019-10-20 10:15:08 UTC  

The whole chinese neoimperialist policy of buying strategic assets all over the place.
That only works because of the compromises in sovereignty that are the international treaty courts.
Without them, states could simply nationalize assets that are held by foreign enemies (or states with whom relations are degraded). As it stands, only a couple of countries can do that (The US, mainly) and get away with it.

2019-10-20 14:13:56 UTC  

Based George Sor... oh...

2019-10-20 14:14:22 UTC  

Makes sense that he sees actual Nationalistic leaders as dangerous enemies

2019-10-20 14:14:35 UTC  

Would you really call them nationalistic?

2019-10-20 14:14:41 UTC  


2019-10-20 14:14:48 UTC  

I'd call them expansionist, ultimately globalist

2019-10-20 14:15:05 UTC  

Different tactics, fourth reich

2019-10-20 14:15:09 UTC  

they want their nation to dominate

2019-10-20 14:15:55 UTC  

Expansionism and colonialism, idk how that's linked to nationalism

2019-10-20 14:16:18 UTC  

it's done to further the strength of their nation

2019-10-20 14:16:28 UTC  

How are they globalist? They do not want one world with everyone mixing together. Their own nation is extremely ethnically homogenous and basically entirely racially homogenous. Which nations have they expanded into militarily?

2019-10-20 14:17:14 UTC  

Then why is China trying to have superwealthy agents in every single country's economy of the world?

2019-10-20 14:17:55 UTC  

If China had its way it'd unite the whole of Asia right now

2019-10-20 14:18:06 UTC  

Plus Australia

2019-10-20 14:18:12 UTC  

Plus parts of Africa

2019-10-20 14:21:11 UTC  

But why would they do that? "unite Asia, plus Australia, plus parts of Africa"? Their is nothing to suggest they'd do that kind of globalist act. Obviously Hong Kong isn't an example since they're Chinese and it belongs to China anyway.
If you want to point towards "superwealthy agents in every single country" I think we can think of another group that fits that bill much more so than the Chinese.

2019-10-20 14:23:32 UTC  

If only the West was as Nationalistic as China's leadership.

2019-10-20 14:32:39 UTC  

Maybe you need to understand something about China's expansionist history

2019-10-20 14:34:57 UTC  

They conquered land many times, that land was reclaimed also many times.
Towards the end of the 19th century they lost quite a lot of land that they had previously conquered, it was reclaimed, and then China reclaimed parts of that again in the 20th century, but not all of it.
Since then things have stabilized a bit, but China has not stopped trying to expand, unlike literally every single western nation.

2019-10-20 14:35:27 UTC  

China is not nationalist, if they were, they would just stop trying to conquer land and instead rely exclusively on trade and diplomacy etc.

2019-10-20 14:37:01 UTC  

Their international policy has only changed on a surface level because other nations are being defended much better these days. That's why China is following a different approach now, much less overt and bloody, instead more through economic subversion and the consistent erasure of people's history.

2019-10-20 14:37:50 UTC  

China is, from a philosophical point of view, basically the same as the Third Reich, just more modern in its methods.

2019-10-20 14:38:57 UTC  

It's a similar trick the Jews pulled when they conquered Israel, although in their case it was more relatable, but still immoral.

2019-10-20 14:40:06 UTC  

The moment China stops trying to gobble up other nations, that's when we can maybe start considering it nationalist. Until then it's not a fitting label.

2019-10-20 14:59:33 UTC  

China had been planning military bases around India, also been invading Bhutan to build roads to India, it obviously wants to invade India. They have the debit generating belt and road that many developing African countries have falling into, also they have been kinda planning an invasion of Taiwan.
So why would they do that? Power of course.

2019-10-20 15:00:30 UTC  


2019-10-20 15:00:46 UTC  

Slow and methodical these days, slow and methodical. Subversion over time, not brutal regime change.