Message from @PastPresentFuture

Discord ID: 476618463578816534

2018-08-07 04:03:51 UTC  



“How do _***you***_ resist the ***Devil***?”

Argue with each other in <#467164315598979072>

2018-08-07 04:05:28 UTC  

I *resist* the *devil* through meditation, avoiding sinful people or situations, and through attempting to strenghten my relationship with God and the light every day through conscious actions and internal dialogue.

2018-08-07 04:16:17 UTC  

Summarized answer: I resist the devil by doubting all thoughts and letting all emotions fall away from me. There was a time when I used to resist and battle with the devil he would always win. Once I became aware of his deception (realizing I am not my thoughts) those “battles” would be won as quickly as they started with no effort. I can see the deceiver coming and he is gone in a moment.

2018-08-07 04:17:53 UTC  

I resist the devil sticking with my guns when knowing what’s right. I resist temptations by knowing that willpower always wins, and that I AM stronger than temptation itself. God gives me strength to stray away from the darkness, and towards his light

2018-08-07 04:36:12 UTC  

I resist the devil through prayer/meditation mainly, always knowing my values as if it were my compass in life. I strive for self improvement always, and each day I wake up I think it’s a new day to change. I now choose love over hate. And lastly I observe everything in my life, whether physically or mentally.

2018-08-07 08:17:51 UTC  

By being true to myself.

2018-08-07 12:05:35 UTC  

By not breaking god's laws whatever devil tries to do. He will do everything in his power to turn away Christian from reaching god cause that's his "promissed" place. But the devil is alive, and blind in his anger. The evil will continue to do so as long as there are people who listen to him and sin without knowing or Excuses like : Oh but it was written I was just following a your scripture. There devil always fails trying to trick god. Playing with God's madness and logic which he allowed in the first place. Devil trying to trick his way in. This is why god has Christ on his side. Like a Charm. Even tho it seems like Christ is punished to carry a cross and hold three fingers. Bible itself is no mystery. But the true mystery is Jesus and doubts, and false stories that are being talked about him, and still he is winning. How do I ressist? I hear him. Like any other people. He is trying to make this body sin, so he could go in front of god and have this behavior : God but look at him, he engaged in this sin, in that sin, and he will name all the sins you've done. Pointing finger at you the sinner.

2018-08-07 12:05:49 UTC  

Like you're worse and the devil is better. As if he deserves place by the god more than you. That's how the Devil is acting. He will come and slam Torah in front of your face asking you where do you get your christianity from. The evil will demand to name him your book where do you learn it from ? He is trying to find a way into Christianity where he can bring his sins, like with Vatican. If respond to the Devil and say that you get Christianity from Christ you're right. If you say from God you're right. They are on the same side, and Christ does what god allows. That's it. Same like Torah - the Devil allows himself to do "some things" "privilged things" others can't. Allowing meat eating, rituals, wickednes etc. I resist by thinking on god. I try to think hard on his work. That this is all him. Only in fault. In his madness. Plus I am seeing he wants to find mistakes, solve things, and delete the sin. So it's all fine. The devil is living his last days on earth.

2018-08-07 12:06:08 UTC  

Just recognize your sins, your mothers and fathers sins, and stop yourself from sinning. You can't change the past, but you can recognize the future.

2018-08-07 12:11:04 UTC  

copyright God.

2018-08-07 14:49:37 UTC  

I resist the devil by studying what God wants through His word and avoiding what displeases Him. The Lord Jesus Christ gives me the power to resist the devil by overcoming patterns of sin. Allowing any sin in my life is an invitation for demonic influence, activity, and in the worst cases, possession. 1 Cor 10:13.

2018-08-07 15:03:39 UTC  

Antifa believes they are resisting the Devil. Therefore, I resist the Devil by putting my hands together.

2018-08-08 01:30:40 UTC  

Is this an answer? ^

2018-08-08 03:31:26 UTC  

I can only say what helps me most is praying. Silent prayer as Jesse Lee Peterson suggests. Praise of God in gospel music. There is something for everyone. I wake up getting dressed to gospel music some days. What it does is give you something to think about, concentrate on even when you're not thinking about it. Works the same way as when a hot pop song is out. Being able to recall and sing hymns, and gospel music will comfort you and keep you because you're praising the Father in song. In the Bible, David a man after God's own heart sang a lot about God. - Go to Job in the Bible. He was stripped of everything in his life, but he kept his mind and thoughts on God. God blessed him when it was all said and done. Although we can read about all that Job went THROUGH, he is now regarded as a hero of the faith simply because he kept the faith. Let's strive to keep the faith brothers and the devil will flee from us. In Jesus Name!

2018-08-08 05:09:49 UTC  

yes the victory over sin has been won on the Cross , by daily picking up our cross and denying your flesh we have victory and the devil will flee
James 4:7 King James Version (KJV)

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

2018-08-08 05:11:36 UTC  

is that how ***YOU*** resist the devil?

2018-08-08 05:21:22 UTC  


2018-08-08 05:25:34 UTC  

Excellent answers. 👏🏻

2018-08-08 05:26:01 UTC  

@STOCK amazin

2018-08-08 05:33:00 UTC  

💯 💯 👍

2018-08-08 05:34:58 UTC  

THANKS for all Your doing Here !!! , and God Bless Jesse , his message is Waking a lot of people up

2018-08-10 15:52:16 UTC  

according to the old testament the devil does not exist - this is just a Chritian's invention adapted by Islam - Christianity and Islam are like brothers,

2018-08-10 16:50:56 UTC  

Bible has Devil in almost every book

2018-08-10 16:51:08 UTC  

Start with Old Testament Job

2018-08-10 16:51:16 UTC  

Or the first book

2018-08-10 16:51:19 UTC  


2018-08-11 04:19:45 UTC  

Job really gives you great insight as to the relationship between God, and the devil. You come to realize the devil still answers to God.

2018-08-12 16:41:46 UTC  


2018-08-13 13:38:56 UTC

2018-08-15 03:52:15 UTC  

how is this a biblical question?

2018-08-15 08:46:57 UTC  

it can be, if you give a biblical answer

2018-08-15 20:48:59 UTC  

The Left eats itself

2018-08-16 02:53:36 UTC  

this is a biblical question indeed

2018-08-16 02:53:44 UTC  

the cause is

2018-08-16 02:53:51 UTC  

the children of the lie

2018-08-16 15:44:25 UTC  

^ Muslim heretic trying to tell us how to interpret the Bible