Message from @RainOnStone
Discord ID: 368129019503312897
Isolationism, comrades
tendencies ? you mean sexually ?
That too
I love me a good fk in the trenches
Not true fam @Rayk Anders Breivik it's so different
Hitler betrayed the German workers!
We less racist and national socialism ain't real communism
Mhm @Llyod14
hey do any of you guys have an arm chair and are sitting in it right now ???
>less racist
I'm lying on a couch @RainOnStone
for shame
>implying socialism is a transitory state to communism
couch philosophy has no ring at all
Which it is @Deleted User
>implying Marx didn't appropriate the term and concept
That is why I said baby steps
how about welfare, I can work with some poetic meaning if one of you are on welfare,,
Wealthfare for lazy negros
Alright gtg
Fucking BOT
frog men for the win
cheap copy
@RainOnStone >being on welfare
Well, at least you're helping topple the system by leeching. Keep it up.
Being a useless faggot as well as a NEET is retarded though
Do something with your life with that opportunity or rot. Your choice I suppose
thanks ACJ ,, at least I have a purpose
now let me get a cheese sandwich adn watch rick and morty returns
>not watching World Peace (RIP)
@Deleted User What the fuck is that monstrosity?
You'd have to watch XRA to find out @Deleted User
So what whitey nationalist Trump supporters saying now about UNESCO little situation?
What are the comments of the White House?
What is UNESCO again?