Message from @RainOnStone
Discord ID: 368128535552065538
>Social democracy
Nazbol will rule the world!
Lol enjoy your mob rule and corrupt voting blocs
give me freedom or give me death = death
I'm just saying that's one of the reason I'm nazbol
what's a nazbol
A nationalist communist
@chill with that shit You're a nazbol because you just took your baby steps from communism towards that feeling in your gut that your beliefs make no sense and your tendencies lie elsewhere
Maybe @Deleted User
national bolchevism is cheap copy of national socialism
It is
Isolationism, comrades
tendencies ? you mean sexually ?
That too
Not true fam @Rayk Anders Breivik it's so different
Hitler betrayed the German workers!
We less racist and national socialism ain't real communism
Mhm @Llyod14
hey do any of you guys have an arm chair and are sitting in it right now ???
>less racist
I'm lying on a couch @RainOnStone
for shame
>implying socialism is a transitory state to communism
couch philosophy has no ring at all
Which it is @Deleted User
>implying Marx didn't appropriate the term and concept
That is why I said baby steps
how about welfare, I can work with some poetic meaning if one of you are on welfare,,
you know what fk it,, I'm going on welfare an calling my self a poet
Wealthfare for lazy negros
Alright gtg