Message from @Llyod14
Discord ID: 368129133647233034
Hitler betrayed the German workers!
We less racist and national socialism ain't real communism
Mhm @Llyod14
hey do any of you guys have an arm chair and are sitting in it right now ???
>less racist
I'm lying on a couch @RainOnStone
for shame
>implying socialism is a transitory state to communism
couch philosophy has no ring at all
Which it is @Deleted User
>implying Marx didn't appropriate the term and concept
That is why I said baby steps
how about welfare, I can work with some poetic meaning if one of you are on welfare,,
you know what fk it,, I'm going on welfare an calling my self a poet
Wealthfare for lazy negros
Alright gtg
Fucking BOT
frog men for the win
cheap copy
@RainOnStone >being on welfare
Well, at least you're helping topple the system by leeching. Keep it up.
Being a useless faggot as well as a NEET is retarded though
Do something with your life with that opportunity or rot. Your choice I suppose
thanks ACJ ,, at least I have a purpose
now let me get a cheese sandwich adn watch rick and morty returns
>not watching World Peace (RIP)
@Deleted User What the fuck is that monstrosity?
You'd have to watch XRA to find out @Deleted User
So what whitey nationalist Trump supporters saying now about UNESCO little situation?
What are the comments of the White House?
What is UNESCO again?
Is an organization of the UN for cultural, educational and scientific development in the world.
The only nice organization in there
Fuck the UN.
Full of globalist kikes who's only goal is to establish a world government.
Hi bois