Message from @PetraCephas
Discord ID: 627341430339272711
@66Lost99 nice find man! Hows your stay in Moz so far? Those are BTR-152 wrecks. These were used by the Angolans too, early on in the Border War before being supplied with the BTR-60
Hot as hell, but I am cool with that. Two weeks later...
Is the country as big of a shithole as it seems
... And the machine is still on the trucks
We are in Tete , close to Moatize. So it's quite rural. (that red line is how we will be moving through Malawi al the way to the coast)
Long drive, how long you planning to stay?
Just under 1000km, will be here till the end of the year, the we will see what happens after that
Ah alright, so I suppose we won't see you on SQUAD for awhile?
Yip, I would think so, still want to test the lte signal and laptop. (if the game is up to date, I should try before helli update)
Posting this here just for reference later
@Bartender @Kooijpolloi do you guys know what this body armour is called? It seems the SANDF still use it today. Seems like it came out in the 90's?
@Springbok just their normal bullet proof with one mag pouch. Its when they do the "policing" stuff
@Kooijpolloi ah alright thanks.
Oryx body is also longer than a Puma but shorter than a Super Puma.
Hybrid helicopter at time stamp 2:43
Cheers Dana.
Hi guys first news update since I've been gone!
Installed Blender 2.80 and jumped into it to try and get used it. It's a major change from 2.79 though I'm picking it up quick. I'll follow the Blender youtube channel 2.80 tutorials to get to know the new user interface better.
I have exported the FN FAL from the SDK to use as a tracer for the R1. As I can't use Squad's FN FAL for the SADF faction as it's not historically accurate (different front handguard) and probably some other minor differences.
I've also exported the Stryker, Ural and US Utility truck so I can more or less decipher the way the final low poly models of my vehicles should look, such as matching the same level of poly count more or less etc.
So no modeling progress today but will hopefully begin sharing modeling progress on here within the next few days.
Niceeeeeee... Cant wait
I'll also be following Warmaster's SDK tutorials in the next few days to bring myself up to speed with the SDK.
Oh forgot to mention I also exported some afghan houses to see how OWI modeled their buildings so I can match their methods for the Angolan and South West African buildings that I'll be modeling in the near future.
Also will be purchasing Zbrush and a tablet to sculpt very soon. Zbrush is pretty much a requirement in order to sculpt the character models of the various factions.
Can i reccomend a huion tablet ? Its the best bang for buck tablets on the market now
@Bartender Sure I'll consider it.
Busy following tutorials on the new blender 2.8
Loving it already! 😱
oooh that looks sexy
Ja can't wait til I eventually get it into SQUAD
Going to be amazing ripping through SWAPO and FAPLA troops with the dual .50's
I'd also like hostile drive damage activated so you can drive over enemy troops and kill them that way. Of course as for friendlies its best just like it is now otherwise I can imagine tonnes of griefing going on.
I also photoshopped this kill of mine. Would be lekker if SQUAD had the same blood decals as Post Scriptum. I know they don't want to introduce dismemberment but some blood decals wouldn't hurt 😉
agreed mate
Sorry guys just spamming with multi-color pics. I've always wanted this feature to come to Blender since seeing it in 3Ds Max.
It helps you visualize what parts are separate meshes