Message from @Boomninja
Discord ID: 634453306022035468
no need to install that one
Depends how big the file is
if its over 8mb then it won't go through discord
Aha that's what I did
watching this tut for now
Paste it into trees folder, think it will work
It's got to be scaled to the right size
I'm watching that tutorial. A few things have to be tweaked in blender for it to work right in UE4
Slowly but surely getting used to the new blender. Just taking some time for my brain to remap the shortcuts. I keep stuffing up here and there trying to use old shortcuts that do something either completely different or nothing at all 😱
I do miss the ctrl + alt + shift + c shortcut to set origin/cursor as I used it a lot. Now it's shift + s then comes up with a radial menu blablablabla I'll get used to it. 😉
Anyway While looking through my reference images I noticed the police version of the Casspir has speakers on them. I thought I'd model them in as an option. Might not make it into the final model though.
But hell would it be funny if you could play any music of your choice over those speakers while driving over the enemy players. The song that came to my head upon imagining that moment was Ride of the Valkyries.
I also spent some time renaming parts as I had a shit ton of parts named cube, torus, cylinder and so on. Difficult to know what is what without names.
Changed the rear wheels as per reference
Will do some more modeling after dinner. And try to get the Discord streaming to work properly so you all can watch.
@everyone I'm live
Can watch the stream but only up to 10 people I believe.
Looking real good
Just going to do one last thing and replace the tires of the Ratel and Buffel with the Casspir's tires as they all use the same ones
I actually used the Buffel tire models I already made on the Casspir. Just rounded them off as they were a bit "square" before
I drove past a mk2 today
Lucky bugger
Lol but it wasnt layed out like that
Depends on the variant. There are different Mk II's
There isn't much consistency though with Casspirs I noticed.
Well it had a storage container where the spare wheel is and the spare wheel was where it is on the mk1
Yup exactly what I've been seeing in my reference images as well