Message from @Gaius Mucius Scaevola
Discord ID: 408464391948861450
I'm thinking about switching my 3 x 5 squats and deadies to 3 x 1 on account of I think it will have lower impact on my knees, which are getting sore as I increase my weight. Think it's worth a shot?
I also do 3 x warm ups
What sort of warm up do you goys recommend before the 5x5 lifting routine? Currently I do nothing to warm up, just start the lifts. Is it necessary or not really? Opinions?
@Sonic I do three warm up sets - 5 x bar, 3 x 50%, 1 x 75%
I'd probably do more volume in sets if you're gonna do one rep
Like 5x1
At 85% of 1RM
Maybe 80%
I usually work up to singles with a high rep low weight, then 60% for 5 reps, 70% for 3, and go to singles
@Deleted User 3 sets of which specific lift for the warm up?
I have bad squatters elbow so I use singles and low reps to keep the inflammation down
Or warm up before each lift?
If squatting and deadlifting same day I only warm up once but I still follow the 60 70 80
@Sonic I mean 3 warm up sets for each of the 3 x 5 core lifts i do. So six total sets, three warm up and three working
Gotcha. Thank you!
I haven't been working out, because I've been sick for the past few days. I still don't feel like I'm in the condition to do it. How long until I start losing gains? Should I at least try to do some pushups in my room?
Focus on getting better.
Getting enough protein is good, too.
Protein and rest, bruh
i know that's done sometimes
Nah aspirin isn't necessary
Are you injured?
40 lbs less than last time I was posting anything. Damn homelessness
But Ayyy still the best lifting tank
Is it good to drink caffeine before lifting?
Will I actually get a better workout in, or will it just make me feel more energetic?
Is there any detriments? I kind of want caffeine sometimes whether it will help me or not, but I don't want it to drag me down.
Other than caffeine tolerance that you build up, you'll just sweat more
If there's caffeine as an ingredient in a pre workout product or mix you make it's fine, especially from green tea. Drinking coffee before lifting is retarded.
Caffeine is an addictive drug, man. shouldn't have caffeine
@Alexander Volk#7256 Beyond that being your opinion, there is nothing substantial suggesting that having a cup of coffee before you go lift is retarded.
Unless maybe you have an incredibly weak heart that doesn't need the added strain.
Literally nothing wrong with it whatsoever.
To Jacob, yes, a stimulant might give you a better workout if it gets you "in the zone" so to speak. That's literally the entire point of those pre-workout mixes.
Most generally have creatine mixes, which would be the only thing that may ACTUALLY boost your lifts, everything else is just a concentration boost.
@Jacob i take ephedrine and caffeine before working out fasted. it ups your heart rate and you burn fat faster
i work out first thing int he morning without eating though