Message from @Nemets
Discord ID: 398686782419501056
If you want slightly more challenging reading or have already read the other Halo novels this saga is really good. All by Greg Bear. (I won't recommend all these novels or I'd be here all day)
I'm reading TFoR right now.
Anything by Bradbury is amazing but I've read this book multiple times and it's amazing
Was always a sci fi nerd and this is my all-time favorites
Along with this buy Martian is way better
This book is in the commandant of the marine corps reading list, at least it used to be. It has been criticized as fascist propaganda since the 50s which should tell you it's good. The movie is bull, it was literally made to satirize the book. Read this and see what needs to be done and what is expected of you in this movement
It was commandant of the navy ready list when I was in, 2010-2014
I really like the government form in Starship Troopers
This guy's books are worthy of note because he took the tack of "classic" science fiction, with a story that has no cursing, no sex, no gratuitous violence, no homosexuality, etc. And nothing but whites--no tokens, no obligatory interracial relationships! He's got very subtle redpills in the books, or at least elements that are at the very least sympathetic to our goals.
De wey
@Why Tea I always thought it was weird that the second act of every sci-fi story had a casual sexual interaction. It turned me off to sci-fi since the purpose is to live vicariously through the characters, implying that sex is something that you can only experience through someone else
Yeah, it was strange to me too, when I started seeing more and more works that had seemingly a requirement for there to be not just a love interest as part of the construction, but actually a sex scene. In some of the classics and in that style, you don't even have people eating, and certainly not taking a crap, unless it's relevant to world-building or constructing the specific scene properly for the plot.
You tend to get info in the future worlds about how food is grown/meals created, and how they clean up and shower, but other than that, the authors don't focus on the visceral.
"Modern" (or (((modern))) if you will) always seems to have to bring in a gay character, or a drug addict, or sex scenes, or something. Dude I'm just here for the lasers and flying cars.
I just love the technical descriptions of society
Idgaf about some guy who doesn't exist getting his bone on