Message from @Thirio
Discord ID: 808428013791346768
that was soft tho
unlike the bestiality vids
@ihatemyself bring this dude back
I suppose I have no choice
Hoi4 ruins everything
I agree
Are u that guy from Chicago?
hes from german chicago
Who knows there are lots of Americans who refer to themselves more as irish or Italian due to ancestry
Especially on a server that likes european identity
yea sad to see
nationalists in america being anti american nationalism is truly something
Identiftying as an American ethnically is based
@thecarlinrhode tommorow be up to listen to my epic victory
I will be sure to be here.
Against who
Socialism Done Left
I am in chicago
can confirm it sucks
That's a pretty big achievement for this community all kidding aside.
although my neighborhood isn't too bad
but chicago on the whole sucks
this is Wolands 4th debate with socdoneleft
If I’m not wrong didn’t someone say in the voice at they where gonna bomb your pizza place