Discord ID: 796526486394896416
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economy will pop
like bubble
they are
hoosierite syndicalist theory
Hello what crypto wallet do you use
better be german nazbol
russian nazbol is gey
>implying they have similarity
Liminov was just a shitposter irl
Dugin is alright but he isn't a nazbol
What part is wrong
The closest Dugin got to being a nazbol is saying that it is similar to 4th theory
I mean, there are other figures
But the most the party ever did was protest a mcdonalds
the highest point of national bolshevism in russia
you know what
I can respect liminov for the whole kazahkstan thing
yea no shit that's why I said it
the difference between the two is the source of energy and the time of day
what does that mean
some niggas here use the internet far too much and it shows
please explain how NRx neocameralist ethno-anarcho-market-socialism will take over
Raging In Favor Of The Machine
@monads wtf
I am from communism server
do you remmebr me
its the only one with funny people
his hair looks kinda dumb
I'm thinking if you don't have a good hairstyle you aren't worth reading
@Erlik แฏ you know adolf stalin?
ima start rockin this
the wignat rapper
and how do you know
Hyperborea is cringe
Embrace the dragon people
anarcho strasserism
because irish american means like
8% irish
the irish are the jews of america
countries are socialist when the government seizes control of food production during war
@monads natsoc monads
I wll keep your secret
smash or pass
they need to step up their DRIP
who decided to color in the soyjack
they even made him aryan
skippping class for this
hell yeah
sorry bro
he is a leftcom
I did not put much effort into reply
I will think harder next time
rape is a social construct
why are there rings
what does that mean
yeah hes a fed
he was in that one movie
white noise or something
the ad for it made me die inside
bavarians are the texans of germany
fine not a fed
but someone I'd be wary of
I am in chicago
can confirm it sucks
although my neighborhood isn't too bad
but chicago on the whole sucks
not mine
are any of the debates on youtube
is this the one where he falls asleep
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