Discord ID: 724243498940891137
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@Der Burgunder the dude you are looking for is in the vc rn
It's a joke
Dam mf got mad he can't understand irony
It has oil and the U.S. wants it
@Der Burgunder the eso fash is in vc
You sound sus
I'm pretty sure that's just a totalitarian regime
Because I'm pro Palestine in the Palestine vs Israel
I'm a Romanian
you look like a fag
you look like a fag
who are you quoting
the blue haired human is the average pagan male
@oistoy saw that
i did
think again she's pagan
you cant
i know about it
Except it's not
It's market socialist or dengist
Depending on how you like to call it
Communism is inherent "x" and brings "y" therefore it's bad
I'm just kidding
Hold up I'm not good at geography can you give me some examples of westerns European countries
If you're talking about nordcs they are failing because of social democracy
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