Message from @sigruna14
Discord ID: 424231236119035905
@everyone Okay well now I've got a damn JS event listener that refuses to add to a button. It's like the most basic thing ever so idk what's the problem.
Is the line of code where it's being added actually execute?
As confirmed by console log messages
@Perihelion - CA Nah, I seem to have a talent for figuring stuff out immediately after asking for help. This button is wrapped in an anchor tag and somehow the click event doesn't reach the button, which I really don't understand.
If I listen on the anchor tag, it works.
Most stuff like that does a tree search to the named element
Depending on how it works it may not parse all tags
@Perihelion - CA It was because I had used the same ID twice. OOSH.
@everyone Any front end devs here? I'm having trouble with Bootstrap, form overflowing its container, and it's pissing me off.
I fixed it.
Does anyone in here have some gopro experience and wouldn't mind helping me troubleshoot my camera?
@Fox hope experience? Is that autocorrect for photo experience? If so, @fascinima may be your man, though I think he isn't in the server
@ThisIsChris Gopro. Thank you for the suggestion.
What would be a somewhat simple WordPress site I could build to help the movement/IE?
I'm not good at coding but have made a lot of WordPress sites, optimized for SEO.
Hey fellas can you recommend a safe, easy-to-use VPN blocker for me?
@Deleted User I can't remember who it was here but I was suggested to use Opera for the best free vpn.
@Valaska Try this and don't use laptops:
@sigruna14 as in, after I use this POS for target practice I should buy a desktop?
@Valaska Yes. I have seen more than one laptop just go straight to hell after a few years. I don't know what the problem is but in my experience they don't last. That may be by design (planned obsolescence). Build yourself a desktop, don't buy no pre-built garbage. Get you some good parts on NewEgg and assemble it your own damn self.
@sigruna14 yes this will be my last one. I will probably bombard you with questions when I prepare to build a desktop.. I don't have the media in any form so I will have to DL onto USB tomorrow from a separate ((laptop)).
If buying a desktop, you might consider getting a used engineering workstation. Processors haven't improved much over the past few years, so you can pick up an HP Z-series workstation with an 8- or 12-core Xeon, 64 GB RAM, OpenGL-capable graphics card for $1000 or so. Slap in an SSD and it will fly.
For example:
i just downloaded Tor browser. what is y'all opinion on it and should i use it for IE? for which websites or for not which websites?
Why not just use a VPN?
@Deleted User Yeah you can use tor browser for anything, though some websites will not provide service to tor addresses, like reddit I think doesn't let you create an account, and from what I understand gmail doesn't work either (designed by google to be that way) but most sites will work normally. I don't think there's a need to use TOR to visit any of our stuff. TOR is nice to see onion sites though the only one I bother with is DailyStormer when it goes down which is fairly rare now. Really the only time I think it's necessary to use TOR for a normie site is if you plan to leave a comment on an antifa website. Merely reading antifa websites shouldn't be any issue at all, it's only when they can connect your IP to a hostile action that there could be an issue. For any other site I wouldn't worry and I wouldn't bother
@ThisIsChris thanks!
@TV is there a VPN that is free?
Not that I know of
that's why i'd rather use Tor
@Deleted User it's shit I wouldn't use it. Slow and it's not actually anti censorship or free speech. Mostly used by pedos and drug traffickers
@everyone I need a good site to hire a JR sysadmin from. Not sure where to begin, but I want to get it done ASAP as my boss wants to hire some mulatto he knows who knows fuck all about technology.
Just out of curiosity what are the requirements?
@Deleted User nordvpn is probably the best VPN out there but it obviously comes with a good price tag. If you're going to use a VPN in Windows there are also a number of additional steps you will have to take like disabling teredo and some special Windows DNS stuff
@Havamal at the moment I have no idea because prior to firing the most recent one for not showing up to work I integrated pretty much everything into my role. Would have to talk with my boss about it. Mostly just basic IT background knowledge and I would train whoever was hired to manage the stuff I handle now in addition to my dev stuff.
I could pretty easily train just about anyone as long as they have basic IT knowledge I would just greatly prefer it be someone white so I don't have to deal with extra cultural and societal bullshit
I wish I could find a role like that. Here it is so competitive that you can't find a Jr system admin or security spot.