Message from @Kaledin - SD
Discord ID: 541355370426138657
I found out after I threw up all my food today
Multivitamins: good or bad?
I take em
Without soy
Sometimes an vitamin D during winter
Take beef brain and beef liver instead of synthetic vitamins
Ancestral Supplements has good ones. I highly recommend
Sorry if I'm cutting in on your supplement conversation I just don't see much activity in this channel and figured people would be interested in how my wound turned out.
@Der Seeteufel - SD are you applying anything to the scar?
I have a pretty prominent scar on my left leg from a motorcycle wreck
I've heard tea tree oil helps, but I've never been bothered to apply it
Yeah my gf doesn't seem to mind so I don't really care. It's not like it hurts or anything.
@Myndrian do you find that you get withdrawal if you quit taking these? I tried pituitary glandulars once before and had weird symptoms when I quit taking them.
Nah not really. Take them slow though cause there can be detox symptoms
Cause there are a ton of nutrients in brain and liver helping the cells to function properly
@Myndrian I recently cooked up some liver. Pretty good! How often do you eat it and in what portions
Also, how can one ensure their water quality? I'm inclined to buy water from the store, but I'm not sure where it's sourced from, it could have the same pollutants as those in city water
@Kaledin - SD I usually get it from my dad who hunts and we tried doing liver pate but stopped and mainly dehydrate it and put it in pills. But I’d recommend doing both. Right now I’m only doing pills of deer and cow liver
@Kaledin - SD and I don’t know much about water pollution etc. I’m mainly focusing on food at the moment
@Kaledin - SD oh sorry and portions for me are 2 servings of the Ancestral Supplement brain and liver daily; 12 pills
The ones I linked above
Currently I'm buying beef liver organ meat directly bc it's pretty cheap
Nice nice. It truly is a superfood
my chest has been mildly numb all day
at what point should I get it checked out?
for context, I get bad chest pain every few months
I go to my clinic and they just tell it's anxiety or flu or something
I occasionally get the numbness but it usually doesn't last this long
and I get mild heart palpitations a lot
i got heavy chest compressions and chest pain a couple months ago. i was IT fasting and working out. i ended up just going to too hard at trying to lose weight. whats your diet and exercise like?
i read too much vitamin D could cause that too
pretty typical college student diet right now
the difference between heart palpitations and heavy chest compressions may not be immediately obvious. heart palpitations are regularly irregular. like your heart cant get a rhythm going. its more serious than just heavy heartbeat
my toes have been numb all day
at what point should I get it checked out?
I'd do that asap