Message from @Dan iiii
Discord ID: 339625721871859712
I can haz skillz?
U got skillz.
IE Guilds whens?
Outdoorsman is now Rangers.
I guess that works.
Is it the same general content, or is it more camp focused.
same just different name
Ah, alright.
Yeah just cuz I think it sounds better
How come no plumbing? Everyone has plumbing issues.
Will probably add plumbing soon if enough people have issues
oh cool, Just real quick anyone doing work on a home built in 1978 or older, do a lead test before you start doing any work. Lead is deadly to the little ones and old ones. I'm certified in Lead abatement, please ask questions if you think there might be lead in your home.
With that said lead in your home is totally fine, unless paint is chipping. Same goes for asbestos.
@Deleted User A couple that I met in my travels have recently joined IE. They are both knowledgeable in gardening. How do I get them an invite ?
@The Morrígan#2239 the link in the announcement channel should be perma. If not let me know and I'll shoot you another one
Suggestion for lessonposting: compile the images and text inside a single image via MS paint that way all the lesson channels are more easily navicable and everyone can save / share instead of scrolling through potentially endless piles of images to find anything. Maybe add a title before posting for search indexing purposes
Why post that in general?
You should put it in <#338763700750123009>
Yeah alright, that is a good idea.
You should also repost that in cooking though. :^)
Nah I'll make some OC sometimes for you goys. That was like number one Google result.
@Dan iiii#6460 Very smart. We were just having a similar discussion in our SME channel.
Only question is how much of a pain it would be
It would be very time consuming.
@Nova BTW, since you're here. Can you see the lessons channels and the <#339720464471425026> channel? Wanna mkae sure I set them up right.
I can. It's looking good.
Great, thanks brother.
Reeeeee crepes made in a pan
@Deleted User just a suggestion. It'd probably take two minutes or so to arrange the pics in MS paint. Writing would be equivalent. Single upload. Although you'd need to do it from a desktop unless there's some app that's flexible enough. I'd love to save that firemaking info but I'd have to do a bunch of screenshots.
@Deleted User I was gonna post my compost recipes for plant growth and propagating, but I can't post in the lessons section. What would you recommend I do?
@Nova We can pin it in the discussions
I'll get to that later today.