Message from @Zyzz
Discord ID: 359306845980196864
Thanks bro
@Deleted User sent
The housing industry in my area is particularly booming and I would love to organize something, my father has been a respected contractor for some time and is essentially on board. I would love to get an IE traveling work camp going.
sounds awesome.. i suppose you guys are familar with flipping houses as well?
I tried my hand at remodeling a house I chose a civil war era house for my first turned out great and was fun sold it and made little profit wish I had kept it. All original doors and trim railings and all. What few pieces of trim that was missing I duplicated the original. Had one modern bath room and a modern kitchen but kept the rest old school.
Didn't I hear somebody talking about that in a podcast somewhere?
If so wasn't me if that's what your referring to
@JesseJames You screwed up hard
@John O - on the house?
My cousin's father in law is one of the largest dairy producers in the NE. Every year, he buys a few dozen more acres, and absorbs all these beautiful 200 year old houses.
My cousin and his wife are living for free in one. It's kind of crappy, and they have a kid, but all he has to do is fix it a bit
That's easier said than done
Believe me I know man. I bout the house for 75 and sold it for 120 but unfortunately I ate up all the profit redoing it and building garage
@John O - spread your seed and maybe you can get one.
I'm only 22. I have a few years.
That's the problem with flipping, though. People only look at the gross, not the net, and say "I made $30k!"
Yep the gross don't mean shit haha. If I had a chance to do it over again I could have done much better I made a lot of mistakes and done some things over a couple times and spent way to much on insignificant things and not enough on other important things.
I was 21 when I wed my wife and knocked her up the first time lol
yeah with flipping we would need to have a good idea of costs and plan accordingly
the other nice thing about flipping is we could do this:
- buy house all cash
- fix it up
- take out a mortgage on it
-rent it out
- take the proceeds from the refi and put that into the next house
Money = Freedom
I'm stupid man, I've never even considered a refi
@Wotan Reborn Being invaluable to society=freedom. Money is just a metric to measure how valuable you are
Well it certainly makes it easier
Yeah, I'm just being a semantic dick
Anyone want to learn how to cut stones?
Oy vey goys, don't do that!
My dad and little brother started a Jewelry store after he retired. My dad is GIA certified geologist.
The jews don't control the jewelry business anymore, just a stake in the diamond trade, The Chinese run that industry. China is loaded with minerals, and cheap labor create cheap jewelry.
You know cutting stones is very similar to cutting a gear on an indexing head