Message from @donut
Discord ID: 413535616178061312
Belly cutouts are dumb
I had a dress with a heart coutout on the back like this once
It was cute
I would say that is fine. No one is really getting turned on by shoulder blades
I think like
If you show off one part
Everything else should be covered
Anything more and you are probably trying too hard imo
Don't wanna be a prostitute
But yeah no women's fast fashion is for super thots
H&M is probably the most decent the majority of the time
For dresses
They have cute florals
And they're not super short like f21 stuff is.
Im glad im a dude because I can just buy nice enough clothes at target on the cheap
Target has okay girls clothes
Tbh its more expensive than h&m for half the things lmao
They have like racks of 10-15 dresses
I guess I havent checked out the womens section lol. I like targets clothes because they dont put their branding on everything and a lot of the other stores tend to run too narrow in the arms for my shoulders
Shoulder blades turn me on
Plus, this chick wearing a cutout was showing bra, and it was like 30 degrees today. Not good taste imo
I have a thing for shoulders tbh
@donut are you fat or human
I’m not fat
The fags deleted the shirt off the internet 😿
Shoulda copped when I had the chance
Red bubble is trash quality anyway
Lots of places do on demand dtg