Message from @Punished Örlogskapten ☧
Discord ID: 464992787339804685
Check out @Strakkys’s Tweet:
>Chuck Roberts
what did Ubisoft mean by this?
shitty livestream with 12 viewers
@Deleted User what ethnicity is this girl? I’m leaning toward south Asian but she could be Latin
@NPCLovesArianaGrande retard she is arab
I’m gonna marry an arab girl they’re so cute
@Deleted User she has mehndi on her hand. It’s a form of body art that originated from India. It must be popular in Arab culture too ig
Also if u are non Muslim or white good luck finding an Arab who’s interested in you
I can marry arab
@NPCLovesArianaGrande true true
The thing on her hand is arabic @NPCLovesArianaGrande I asked my Syrian friend
lipstick, eye shadow, low cut dress
makeup is a lie, and therefore a sin.
so degenerate
find a nice submissive ugly woman if you want to be happy
girls that take selfies are all degen
your attraction to a graven image of a woman...
there is no love there, no relationship, you are looking at pixels. a shadow of someone you will never know.
you lust after your pixels.
leave your room, incels, and go outside and say hello to an ugly woman.