Message from @Salo Saloson
Discord ID: 482358778310950924
JLP is a solid 'meh'. He's just a guy that wants bleqs to have bleq families
I don't mind having more black conservatives.
I also don't really pay attention to normiecons any more
Jesse Lee I think is trying to come up with evolian transcendent leadership but just expresses as christcuck "love"
Low IQ Bleck Evola I love it
I quite like Christianity
here is why I disagree with most black conservatives: they are liberals, they echo the liberal talking points, and they do nothing to change the status quo.
liberal in this case being 'classical liberal'
Don't mind there votes though.
Yeah, masculine Christianity nationalism=good
They 6 or 7 black conservative voters we can et.
Oh okay lol
Based blacks are just leftists blacks that say that instead of wypipo keeping them down, it's the dems
TL note: dems = white people
Larry elders not wypipo keep me down
The people keeping them down look white sometimes . . .
In any event: I'm sick and tired of the establishment shills
They repeat the same stock talking points and come up with newer mental gymnastics moves to stay out of the danger zone of realization
Maybe the next DR3 book will at least be a bit creative. Maybe something like The Protocols of The Learned Elders of the DemoKKKratic Party
Yeah at this point I would rather listen to Chapo Trap House than Ben Shapiro
I mean, to me the entirety of the opposition, right & left & center is just... tiresome
From UT there is a congresswoman Mia Love, shes the exact way. Only elected because of her face. She attacked Trump for his S-hole comments
Isn’t she married to a white man?
I thought she was...
But I'm also the first person to admit that I'm not interested in dealing with these people in the 'marketplace of ideas'. So I'm a bit biased
tfw you actually believed in a marketplace of ideas...
There is a reason why they do not want us in their marketplace of ideas.
Inb4 shutting down all of our outlets so we don't add any actual value to their market place of ideas
The marketplace of ideas only works without censorship or diversity
Lol i meant to say Race, not face
I've not seen anyone sharing this guy and he is only at 26k followers. He acts like a joke, but his facts and figures are spot on and he even hits on race issues a bit making some shots at white privilege.
These might be good videos so share with normies.
I have a based and redpilled friend but he used to be a normie politically speaking. Now he's one of the only guys I talk to about race, nationalism, and wanting to join the Space Force
I replaced the Marketplace of Ideas with the Agora of Identity
@GZ Denton cool
it was an immediate improvement