Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 483470330267041812
Gross laugh.
@Augustus Farmlands is a great documentary to share with a normie. It's actually pretty depressing, but very effective.
@Asatru Artist - MD Thanks for the suggestion! I'll take a look at that, too.
Oh...Slayer's in town...weird
@Augustus "Farmlands" *is* Lauren's documentary. :)
Check out @thebradfordfile’s Tweet:
Luckily, now we don't have enough votes to meddle there anymore.
In the senate
Everyone is afraid of the curse.
That's after election?
Special election?
They won’t catch much flak from that seeing as he just passed away, too soon for anyone to go after the McCains
It should never be too early to protect our Republic and install/elect the proper people for the position in question.
Will the fake news ever be honest?
What kind of a name is Touchberry
I couldn't find anything about his *tribal* affiliations.
Read this Tweet, then look at the original tweeted video it's talking about
some culture you've got there
Hey, they are mentioning IE in this livestream:
At what time did they mention us @Asatru Artist - MD
I'll figure it out once he uploads the final video (probably tomorrow).
It will be towards the end though.
they mention it during their "hoax hate" segment and understand we aren't bad.
Check out @ARmastrangelo’s Tweet:
gotta love salvini
Man is on a mission💪
Say it with me... nobody. Touches. Salvini
Italians are used to rulling over Jews.
Salvini singlehandedly shifted the entire political spectrum of Italy our way. He's an inspiration and a white pill for whenever you feel the political establishment can't be overcome
Italy is for Italians and Germany is for Germans. What is the big deal.
@Bjorn - MD Good point.
"If you want to question me, or arrest me because I defend the borders and security of my country, I'm proud of it and I look forward to it with open arms!"
At 2:41... 👌🏻 <:teehee:381917632359563264>
If I move to China would I become Chinese 🤔