Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 483815737173999618
I gotta make that a reaction image
Heroes have risen up
we need gamer security at all Esports conventions
No gunposting
Gamers *are* the most oppressed minority
Are gamers white?
And Korean
would have to look back at the original game makers to see who started it all.
Cause comics aren't white...
Dark Souls is a metaphor for the Spenglerian cycle of culture and civilization
Dark Souls makes me want to rage quit too much to be fun.
DS3 has more bonfire points so its not 'easier' but it is a nice QoL thing
I decided it was either:
> play Dark Souls
> buy a new monitor after a controller is thrown
and i like my monitor, so...
You: posting about vidya on the internet <:sad:366743316475281408>
My husband: powersanding a dresser <:chad:359013583469805568>
*scribbles down notes*
>not bringing him lemonade
*while wearing short shorts and aviators
or a sammich
I'm 9 months pregnant, I get a pass
i was at a maker space making things earlier...i'm allowed to nerd post now.
@missliterallywho WTH still? You should have done the NYC action!!!
My boyfriend is playing trombone right now I don’t know where that falls on the chad scale
pretty low
... oh
Yeah, you just killed this chat.
but i'm talking about vidya, so...
depends what song he's playing
@Freiheit - CA I was 34 weeks that weekend and we've barely had the finances for all the baby necessities, let alone $800 in plane tickets
Probably something depressing
@missliterallywho yeah
This baby will be born any day in the next 3 weeks
Trombone is pretty chadly, tbh
Wait...IE members haven't bought everything on your baby list??? And these guys call themselves trad. <:sad:366743316475281408> @missliterallywho
He’s an Eagle Scout boi I give him a pass for playing trombone
he'll yea
Good thing he made it through before the tranny Scouts took over