Message from @Wotan Klan-GA
Discord ID: 484187037792993301
We are heading for a very nasty collapse.
Same with Abrams. She owes in 6 figures in taxes and is still able to run, Its out of this world.
@Wotan Klan-GA Greetings sir!
They don’t care. Anything to push the narrative and I have no idea where the narrative is going
@PhoenixFire greetings
Have we met yet?
No, I just got access today.
Well, eventually we will. You’ll know me as the eccentric one who brings the 10% beer
Oy there mate. 'Ave's ya got yer ten pah sent bee yuh loicense?
Got ya loicense roight ‘ere mate, aye aye
Lol I look forward to the meetup. I don't drink so I'll bring my own root beer.
carry on then lad, and ya's best not be makin' trubble fer the new moigrants
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL I'll hold my White privilege in check. You know? Cause I care and stuff.
lol. RootBeer poasting 😉
I used to chug root beer thinking I’d get to the root of it
But I didn’t I only got sick
@Tyler0317 LOL 🤓
I always drink root beer 2 at a time, so I can find the square root.
@PhoenixFire lol
One of my biker pal's wife makes the absolute best apple pie moonshine. It's absolutely to die for
sooooo smooth, so delicious. just sneaks up on you
^^^ the most Florida post ever made
N.E.R.D. in da hawse ya'll.
He’s a Georgia NERD tho
Georgia NERD stands for Not Every Redneck Drinks
stay proud borther
Yes indeed Wotan!
@Wotan Klan-GA Collapse? Explain..
Georgia crew going in tonight on the chat.
Georgia = the US's Dingos
Wotan Clan: "Guys, we're heading for imminent destruc--" *radio silence*
@Flint oh lawd flint, the collapse comes when the ruling class succeeds in their social project and the “great society” that came from it falls apart because it was built on the same lies that have killed every civilization that were subject to them.
Our job isn’t to recreate western civilization but instead to create a new civilization because that thing we call the West is experiencing its death rattles
Modernity must go
“modernity” is just the last stage of an antiquated world. We are the real modernity.
Like how the Left “unthings” the concepts it is opposed to (without explanation) we must “unthing” the society they are trying to reforge. This time we will have a real explanation and a real solution.