Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 484205014559096842
I can empathize with a variety of characters. My mom thinks I'm a lot like Mary, the "cold" one lol
Oh, you were talking to Mrs. Logan, my bad....
Oh, so the upper class
Is there a sassy maid? I want to be *her*
no reason..
We don't have a comparable class system by any means, realistically I'd be between the aristocrats and the servants
i saw a scene with some dude racing a car...I wanna be him.
*Oi! Getcha own damn tea*
@Flint The sassy maids always get fired
You mean freed from my bourgeoi masters to go have my own series?
The burgeoning middle class shows up here and there but none of the main characters are in it
*Oi, you got a license for that!* the series
Lol one sassy maid ended up with a bastard child and worked as a prostitute. Bad behavior used to have real consequences
So, it'll be an HBO show?
Not in that century lol
She was majorly shunned
Actually, there really is a show like that, set in the 70's disco ere
Had Maggie Gylenhal and James Franco...
Don't remember what it was called
The only HBO series I liked was The Young Pope. Although it had a lot of sexual themes which I didn't like that much
He was the brother of some guy who owed money. I only saw about 20 mins of it
The Wire is a good HBO series. It’s about the drug scene in Baltimore during the 90’s. It’s fiction tho
John Adams is a great miniseries
Downton never shows more than a kiss, it's so refreshing not to be visually assaulted by sex scenes that do nothing for the plot
@William Russell The Wire was awesome
God, it would've been so cool to be working class in turn of the century London
Baltimore is out of control
It would've sucked so bad
Farmer in 1860 America might be nice
Start at 7 years old in the textile mill
18 hour shifts
Pretty much all of history wouldn't have been to fun to be in, tbh. The beds we have now are better than what Kings had
Labor Unions are pretty cool don't @ me
I agree
We need to fix them