Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 484202224797351941
19th century was pretty great
@William Russell we got ourselves into this mess incrementally. We will have to get ourselves out of this mess the same way.
I wonder if we have peaked or if it’s going to get worse before it’ll get better
I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
-Psalm 139:22
Maybe I'll get that tattoo around my ankle and take selfies with duck lips
@Deleted User I've been thinking going back to some of the social rigidity of prewar Europe could help with the dysgenic problem
I 100% encourage a higher IQ working class
Make bullying great again
@William Russell tbh, it really will get worse, this is evident in the left's goals
Positive bullying needs to become the norm.
Absolutely! None of this weak spine cyberbullying
@missliterallywho Completely agree. It's funny you and I have been lockstep in our view towards social policy for probably the entire time we've know one another - the only difference is in how we express these ideas.
That video looks a bit like a lot of IE...
I think pre-war europe was perhaps a bit *too* rigid. A moderate level of class mobility is probably ideal.
*far* less than we have now, though.
Just a reminder that modern combat is at least 90% cardio and very little actual strength
Class mobility is important because it discourages the "othering" of other classes
And keeps peasant revolts down
Who needs Kulaks?
The opiod addictions, the dying of preventable and treatable diseases, etc
The homelessness of entire families because of one layoff or illness
@Deleted User I've been watching a lot of Downton Abbey, which begins just before WWII and goes through the 20s+, and it's fascinating and frustrating to see what changed for better and worse. I wouldn't bring back all of it (especially old approaches to pregnancy & birth), and clearly Brits are very different in character compared to us, but a lot of the old ways we never should have ditched.
I've seen a few episodes.
Some guy was on TDS saying he blames rich whites more than he blames Jews for our current situation. Can't say I completely disagree.
I've made promos for PBS for Downton Abbey, never actually watched the show though.
I'm in season 4, no spoilers plz
@missliterallywho What class of people are the main characters in that show?
All of them, really
It's a large cast and details the lives of all the people in the house
@John O - It's about an Earl's family and his servants, so all classes show up
Who do you self insert as?
*don't say the flapper don't say the flapper*
The flapper.
I can empathize with a variety of characters. My mom thinks I'm a lot like Mary, the "cold" one lol
Oh, you were talking to Mrs. Logan, my bad....
Oh, so the upper class
Is there a sassy maid? I want to be *her*