Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 484199844618174489
You've become a bit more hardcore the further along you've come in your pregnancy @missliterallywho
Just an observation.
A population always reaches its growth capacity and has a natural cull occur
This is getting into nasty territory, I’ll let y’all do your thing
@Asatru Artist - MD Africa is already trying her hardest
Yeah, and we keep undoing what nature attempts... 😒
@Deleted User lol *but* I'm no longer a wignat <:4dchess:439923932062154782>
Without the West, Africa's population would half in no time.
Dare I say it?
baby steps...
I've never actually considered *what I would want* as much as *I know what we don't need*
Every living organism reaches beyond what its resources are capable of sustaining
So I never think "what is the perfect new society" as much as "how do I keep this from happening again?"
The greed, antisocial behavior, the subversion, etc
Lol I'm definitely always thinking in terms of impossible ideals instead of current real problems
We need both
Idealists are always appreciated in hindsight
I used to be idealistic, lol
I'm a little more realistic now
i've been a realist far too long
The ideal is the dream, the realism is the goal
Deciding how to raise my son is where my ideals meet the test of reality
It’s the Socratic method with yourself when you start to do those sort of mental gymnastics. It develops your political philosophy
force those ideals into reality
we can do it
I don't entirely disagree with your statements, though I would certainly word them differently.
Society as a whole has been slid towards promoting dysgenics. We need to move back towards a balance with nature.
Some days, I look only to my hatred of the left to oppose them; other days it's from the love of my people
Modernism and globalism are not the way
19th century was pretty great
@William Russell we got ourselves into this mess incrementally. We will have to get ourselves out of this mess the same way.
I wonder if we have peaked or if it’s going to get worse before it’ll get better
I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
-Psalm 139:22
Maybe I'll get that tattoo around my ankle and take selfies with duck lips
@Deleted User I've been thinking going back to some of the social rigidity of prewar Europe could help with the dysgenic problem
I 100% encourage a higher IQ working class
Make bullying great again
@William Russell tbh, it really will get worse, this is evident in the left's goals
Positive bullying needs to become the norm.
Absolutely! None of this weak spine cyberbullying