Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 484843317952249856
Dang, Ferguson was when you were in 5th grade? When I was in 5th grade the OJ Simpson trial was going on
I think. That, or the LA riots
How old is 5th grade?
Hah damn I feel old AF
*doesn't say anything that reveals his age now*
Wew that announcment blood boils
I’ve been to New Orleans too
Political prisoner.
white gets attacked and yells a mean word....white goes to jail. Welcome to "current year" bois and gurls.
Makes Baltimore look like a kindergarten
I haven't been to the dirty south in many years.
So, if you have to defend yourself make sure there aren't any witnesses...?
People could just simply say you said it
Other than NC for a pagan ritual recently...but that was at a nice park and blacks don't seem to like nature too much. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
North Carolina religion is a weird area lol. Still snake handlers in the hill churches
Yet black people kidnap a white mentally challenged kid and torture him--but they're basically free?
That's "justice", you bigot!
Wow...I'll probably just ask that any one slurring it up in my chapter be removed from IE...don't want to be tied to that. Wew *wipes sweat*
Anger is going to come out at the wrong time, doesn't matter how well you act in times of peace
I really doubt they'll hit the Idaho husband with prison time for that. Even in clown world.
Say a mean word to a non-white while being PHYSICALLY ATTACKED = jail time whitey.
You underestimate 🤡 🌎 @Logan
Who’s the (((prosecutor)))
Member the good old days? When idaho just made potatoes and left people alone? Oooh I member
Just threw together this anti-immigration post quickly before work
Its a daily occurance to see vandalism like this in Washington square park in NYC
Spike Lee angles
Woah, just looked up the racial demographics of Idaho. In 2010 it was only 0.6% black?! (IE HQ there when?)
At least it’s chalk, quick water bottle job
I can't even read it, feels like an eye test
you failed that test then
It says #abolishice
hashtags on it? really? damned millennials...
The top one is jibberish. Momumi?
ink blot get censored by mods?