Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 484845514748067841
At least it’s chalk, quick water bottle job
I can't even read it, feels like an eye test
you failed that test then
It says #abolishice
hashtags on it? really? damned millennials...
The top one is jibberish. Momumi?
ink blot get censored by mods?
nah, me
was it an anti-semitic ink blot?!
Lol hashtag graffiti
hashtag graffiti is big ghey
Y'know, I reacted to the story in the announcement with shock and an intense feeling of outrage initially, but then realized that it's an accurate representation of the macro state of the West boiled down to an individual level. The aggressor suffers no consequences, and the defender is villainized and punished despite acting with virtue. What happened to that man and his wife has been occurring and continues to occur, only on the scale of nations.
Just in case you want to search a sidewalk
That makes me fell better @Deleted User
Yeah whatever this is
I bet the comment section on that sidewalk is great.
Momumi still looks like goobly-gook to me.
@Deleted User I'll forget about it for a little while and in the middle of enjoying a perfectly good cup of coffee I'll think about some white guy doing 5 years and having his family without him providing--then I'll become enraged again.
Hey dumbasses...wanna know how you keep "families" together? STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE BORDER
fixed it 😉
So, anybody got a white pill? Bruce Ohr really spilled the beans about the Russia hoax, no?
That house of cards is coming down soon
That house of cards was built on toilet paper anyways.
A good song in troubled times
Still never got my rubble-bitcoin for voting for trump and posting on Twitter
Subscribe to that sidewalk for more info.
@Deleted User you were in the fifth grade in 2014? What? Lmfao. I thought you had to be 18 to join IE but apparently not
Hopefully you didn’t fail fifth grade that many times
Sherlock out here with the sleuth work
Lmao how is that possible
religion of peace? @Freiheit - CA
Toronto getting culturally enriched. Diversity is their strength!
@Sherlock Good lord I messed my timeline up badly. I turned 20 earlier this month.