Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 486596269213745174
I have the feeling that their reasoning doesn't extend past "Trump supports this so I am against it."
Am I giving them too much credit? 😳
I try not to logically analyze modern left positions.
True, they have lost all rational thought and are a feral mob.
It's just a waste of time. "That guy ... uuu ... she said that this thing that I didn't even know existed is racist so that means it's bad."
It's about abortion. The book/tv series is about women conscripted into having children by the government. The left thinks Kavanaugh will overturn R v W.
@missliterallywho Thank you.
Nothing like being literal pro-baby killers now. <:sad:366743316475281408>
Still seem a bit farfetched but makes sense.
According to Ethnark they only need to overturn Griswold v Connecticut and R v W will crumble.
That was the ground work case.
@Nemets You said white youth go right to left, but cite older whites being more right than left, do you mean white youth go form left to right or do you mean the current generation of white youth is different?
I wonder how many cities would turn into full anarchy if RvW was overturned?
Griswold v Connecticut established the phony "right to privacy" that appears nowhere in the Constitution
Would be good TV...
But they can't overturn anything without a case properly before the court that address the issue. Judges can't just show up and start ripping up old opinions on their own accord.
If only...
@ThisIsChris I think it was a typo...
"If you aren't a liberal at 20, you have no heart...if you aren't a conservative by 40, you have no brain."
I'm all for using kritarchy in our favor
Maybe they can go after *Brown v Board* next.
@missliterallywho Maybe you can school me on kritarchy, but from this short description, literally none of the places mentioned as origins or places of current use sound appealing to me.
> ancient Israel
> Somalia
> Islamic Courts Union
@Asatru Artist - MD We have a kritarchy here right now. Especially with the 9th circuit. I wonder why... 👃
Doesn't seem like this would work in our current multiculti country since it's "customary vs statutory law".
Hmm. Yeah, the 9th circuit court are just activists in robes. -__-
yeah, but you have to have agreed upon customs to enact from.
blacks/whites/hispanics/asians all have different customs and none really jive with each other.
Those who need to agree in order to enact their will, do agree.
It's not about what the people want or feel is customary.
By the Gods, I can't even pay my car insurance without race mixing being pushed on me. 😡
"Why did you break in through the ceiling? "
By Odin's Beard that's outrageous
@The Soy Goy is that a confed-nazbol Lee in your profile?
It is lmao
@Jean-Baptiste You have a new friend.
I didn't realize there was more than one confedbol in the word.
I had to google that, interesting