Message from @⚡Clark⚡
Discord ID: 490718069577220116
He was Dakota Sioux.
I watched Black Panther as a laugh. It was even more disgusting than I imagined.
I decided I'm not watching that anti-white bs.
> "The most diverse movie in a long time"
> 90% black...
My favorite thing about that movie is that they only have this rich and amazing civilization because they’re sitting on top of a mineral deposit. Not out of ingenuity, not out of struggle, their civilization’s success comes from its physical location and nothing else.
It's disturbing that people can support something like this and even celebrate it.
The Indian folklore was deep in my family too.
I don’t really go to the movies much anymore. I also stopped watching cable years ago because I didn’t have the time or money for it and it’s staggering that people will pay money to watch what’s on cable.
I grew up thinking I was 1/16 Cherokee
It. Is. Always. Cherokee.
But not a drop in me
That parts’ still a mystery! I guess it’s just Cherokee because they’re well known?
I paid for my parents to be tested too, nothing there either
💯 Gang.
It’s never like Sioux or Navajo
My family respected Cherokee in part because of the culture they had, settled farmers rather than nomads
Or like Blackfoot
Maybe that’s it? They were certainly one of the more civilized groups.
And the fact they adopted written language and basically Europeanized more than other groups
We had a thing in school called “Indian ed” where some kids would go learn about Indian stuff (I guess) once a week.
Never seen so many blue-eyed Indians in my life!
My family was actually pretty happy to learn they weren't Indian, especially my dad. I only have one aunt who is a bit of a cat lady who still refuses to believe she isn't Indian.
It’s why I’m so suspicious of a lot of “self reported” census data. “The US is mostly German and Irish,” etc. Family histories are often just wrong.
Maybe I’ll change now that you can pay $100 and learn about your genetic makeup.
My family always thought they were German. Our great grandmother was found as a 4 year old alone in Germany. She was taken in and brought to America. Turned out we were totally Anglo.
I am on the process of leaving (((FBook))) the only one that likes my Tucker-tier statuses is a literal Based Black Guy. It really surprised me, he liked my Dalai Lama status.
Just got to download all the old pictures.
I'm so glad I never made a facebook.
I deleted my Faceberg right after the 2016 election. I don't regret it one bit.
Check out @Cheffarmer216’s Tweet:
I'm giving serious thought to deleting mine, all my friends are people I actually know reason to have it. I'm 18 days left on a "hate speech" ban for posting "IT'S OK TO BE WHITE" meme.
"Third Rail" is the most blackpilling podcast. Borzoi, Spectre and Lauritz need IRL waifus.
@Asatru Artist - MD I should have. I'd still have friends
Spectre? Smallest Pox & Spectre? @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN If they unfriended you for something on Facebook, were they really "friends" to begin with?
Are they a couple? Not trying to gossip.
@Asatru Artist - MD Well I made most of my friends as a leftist. Trying to make more. One of the reasons I joined IE
Ah ok.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Yeah, I've met them. After they got doxxed I went & visited Specs office. Smallest Pox is gooorgeous.