Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 493563014923026453
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN @Asatru Artist - MD Just catching up to the conversation about the blackening of Marvel comics, LotR, Star Wars, etc. I just don't see how a five season series on LotR could be any good, even if they only use high quality White actors. The story has been told once well enough. There is no reason to go back to Middle Earth. The problem with the mining of used up franchises like Star Wars and LotR is that any story told in those universes must ultimately revolve around an already finished plot. There can be no interesting prequel nor a sequel that doesn't ruin the first story.
If we are doing calls for a Senator could we scedual them all together and do them in groups? Like I could drive to GA one weekend and we could all spend the day calling and order a bunch of pizza at someone's place. That might make it more fun. We could even see what region can get the most calls in.
This is a perfect example of how the Jews give the game away when talking about and to each other.
@The Eternal Anglo Existing members don't have to go through the pledge process
Will my liberal professor downgrade me for this?
@Sam Anderson I love the mental game of "Which site does this headline come from: Forward or [infamous website administered by a Mr. Wang Lin]?"
@Jacob Brave and reasoned. I hope you don't get dragged to a Title IX tribunal.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Oh dude I bet that game gets interesting.
The only people that think about Heebs this much really is antisemites and Jews themselves
@Sam Anderson Just endless examples of globalists, when among themselves, being as outlandish as stereotypes.
Lindsey Graham just said “back then I wasn’t just a White male republican” on Fox News 🤔
Now he's a proud LBGT white male republican!
Lmao I’m wondering if he’s starting to feel the discrimination
Nah, he's too bought and paid for by the likes of Paul Singer.
Not saying he’s uncucked or anything, he’s obviously pretty bad, but it shows he feels dismissed for being a white male republican
Good. The more people feel "shocked" at this supposedly "sudden" change, the better.
Here is the short clip
He nose the game
Does he?
Really makes ya think
White guys realize they are under attack, even cucks like Graham.
Really tired of being not surprised
What does this say?
I really need to study German.
@Hakujin - CA Something to the effect of "and tomorrow the world" probably kvetching about the rise of the AFD
A 9 page article about the AfD and I can't understand any of it. It's probably all slander, but it would still be interesting to know what the German press has to say.
(((German press)))
The Israeli Air Force cries out as they use the crew of your reconnaissance aircraft as human shields:
"Yeah, your aircraft that we got shot down/shot down ourselves...? Fake and gay..."
@Hakujin - CA When they write a 9 page article of attempted slander, you know you are doing something right.
If you wake up and see your name not slandered in the press, then you know you spent the previous day to no account.
For example LARPy NSM.
They are exactly what the media wants to portray us as, and there is plenty of potential for them to interview with NSM. However they are no real threat and probably would be cool neighbors if you lived in rural TN or something.
Yet as we saw earlier, the Governor of NY is butthurt about our posters.
And this summer, the Mexican government was ticked off at us.
EYO! HuWhite pill.