Message from @YourFundamentalTheorum
Discord ID: 495481016740216832
In other words, if not for this kavanaugh stuff, the Senate session would be over and Flake would essentially have nothing more to do
McConnell would have gaveled the session closed today, otherwise
Flake is already a 'known' globalist, not running for reelection because the direction of the Trump Republican party being so nationalist, etc, what deals/ties does he not have already that he could gain from this?
@Nemets heh, I think it has to do with the crops not being a reliable staple to base your economy on
his time as a Senator would have already secured him his illegit post-gov career
at this point, I feel like even if we lose
it would be divine justice
Us winning would be divine mercy
haha, true
But mercy is good, no?
Check out @MontagnaTony’s Tweet:
And so is grace
We can only hope for mercy
if white people would be judged fairly, we would be condemned to extinction
I think enough people in America hate the evil in America that a merciful God would hear
We're simply 'too good' to fight off the unimaginable evil plaguing us
We can't comprehend the plans of the enemy bc normal people don't think like that
we don't even clearly know who the enemy is
Interesting video. They're maybe not Identitarian, but still interesting. Good music too.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I liked Matthew Melton's projects way before Dream Machine was a thing... interesting to see how they have shifted more and more to the right because of leftist rage
He's got a QT Bosnian waifu too, who seems talented in her own right.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Agreed
The absurdity of the constituency of Hillary Clinton, who successfully defended a rapist (admittedly fooling a polygraph), demanding rape accusers be believed.
Mark is the top English Nationalist in my mind. His show is small but comfy
what's the tl;dr on that Sarg'n video?
Hot new Grandpa Jared vid. This time with some Assie ladie.
@Flint Sargon is apparently taking a break?
God Bless this man really. If it were not for his clear and rational points like this I would still be listening to Ben Shapiro. Its a huge Whitepill he endorses us.
Sargin is useless and means nothing. The UK is too far gone.
I'm so lucky to have met him
Exactly. Meeting JT was one of the greatest moments of my life.
God I'm so excited to hear Patrick speak irl