Message from @Sleightology
Discord ID: 442794095791046657
why are people pretending women are funny
@Joe the boomer I bought the game
"Women aren't fun" way to go captain obvious
"Literally just kill yourself" - Nick the Knife Fuentes
are you BRAVE ENOUGH to @ nicholas fuentes 5 (FIVE!) times?
80 on my wrist
I hate women that think they are funny
yeah, especially the LUL SO RANDUM ones
who organised this gay event?
stop muslims to protect the fags!
the alt lite fags who call themselves conservatives
was that made unrionically
entered into his T shirt competition apparently
Now thats fucking based
the last credible right wing party is dying as we speak
UKIP that is
they were the only ones who dared broach the topic of the demographic shift
and now they're rudderless and losing more and more support
they had chance at gaining much influence anyway
👍 👍
that one has to be a joke
too much effort to be a joke
based dangerous faggot
yeah probably
to be fair metokur took the piss out of sargon for the entire "muh saviour of the west" shit
oh yeah, that one is egregious
i love these