Message from @Leeroy
Discord ID: 462575320260935680
we can only weep alone, with our dank pinochet memes
this is true Sargon server
*Because* of his absence
We’re way more organized here, his server is a fucking anarchy.
It's the Concrete City of discord servers
give him a fuckin break, its the first one he personally made.... I think
He hardly did, he left it to others to do it 😄
Leave it to lesser men.
Danks is a good one
too much scat?
It’s literally a fucking shithole
general can be pretty awful, aye
just stick to dank memes and ignore the rest
its what i do
I love the shitposting channel but it is indeed a shithole. Great for collecting memes though
The queen is dead rip
Nah jk I'm not British
fucking pussy, dont threaten to kill him, just do it
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] Farmlands is actually not that bad. She goes thorugh the history of south africa, and it's not really the "THE WHITES ARE BEING KILLED THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE" propoganda I thought it would be.
if u look at the statistics tho the murder rate of white farmers only go up, with the black ppl including politicians chanting kill the boer on national tv one has to wonder
@Deleted User Yea people misjudge these documentaries. Most think Hillary's America is like that. Or really Obamas America. Obamas had more doom in it but the other was a good history of the Democrat party.
Plot Twist: These ties are flimsy, centering tangentially around Trump and primarily about one Maryland political figure marked by Salon as a "Neo-Confederate". To help reach the headline's conclusion they consulted a progressive think tank in Massachussetts
i feel like a drunk asking another drunk why alcohol is so bad
or quitting
don't stop drinking. just start drinking moderatly
you don't wanna die at 60 for a fat liver lmao
For fuck's sake go find a real problem
they don't care about real problems
they are too hard to solve
this is easier
all u have to do is come on a show and complain