Message from @Igloo Dude

Discord ID: 621063519307169802

2019-08-18 08:06:52 UTC  

They got my boy givasunner too

2019-08-27 23:46:07 UTC  

```Keep calm
Keeping it calm
Keep calm
Fuck, here we go again

[Verse 1]
Heat lighting flash, but don't blink. Misleading
Tranquility ruse
You're gonna happen again
That's what I think
Follow the evidence
Look it dead in the eye
You are darkness
Trying to lull us in, before the havoc begins, into a dubious state of serenity

Acting all surprised when you're caught in the lie
We know better
It's not unlike you, it's not unlike you
We know your nature

[Verse 2]
Blame it all on the bastards when you're blowing out
Shame on you
Shame on you now
No amount of wind could to begin to cover up your petulant stench and demeanor
Calm as cookies and cream, so it seems
We're not buying your dubious state of serenity

Acting all surprised when you're caught in the lie
We know better
It's not unlike you, it's not unlike you
We know your nature

[Verse 3]
Calm before the torrent comes
Calm before the torrent comes
Calm before the tempest comes to reign all over

Disputing intentions invites devastation
A tempest must be
True to its nature
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that

[Verse 4]
Control, your delusion
Insane and striking at random
Victim of your certainty, and therefore your doubt's not an option
Blameless, the tempest must will be just that
So try as you may, feeble, your attempt to atone
Your words to erase all the damage cannot

A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that
A tempest must be just that```

2019-08-27 23:46:47 UTC  

```This song is a reckoning with these that use their influence to control the mainstream narrative, telling the masses everything will be fine, that lull us in with their tranquility ruse, while it is plain for all to see that a storm is coming.

All the while not being accountable for their actions.

When caught in their lies, they act all surprised and their Teflon coat deflects the blame to the next bastard in line.

In the end, their control is just a delusion, they are victim of their own certainty and incapable to question what they think to be true, hence not being able to ever grow.

In the end, the tempest will be blameless, and no feeble word or atonement will stop it.

2019-08-31 14:05:06 UTC  

tool's new album

2019-08-31 15:05:38 UTC  

nearly done listening to it

2019-08-31 15:05:48 UTC  

first impression is.. quite disappointing overall

2019-08-31 16:55:48 UTC  
2019-08-31 17:32:23 UTC  

@Tero who???

2019-08-31 17:32:35 UTC  

who what

2019-08-31 17:37:10 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:52:04 UTC  


2019-08-31 17:52:13 UTC  

you don't know of them?

2019-08-31 18:00:25 UTC  


2019-09-06 15:14:32 UTC  

@Tero Tool and first impressions, 13 years and people forget what they are dealing with <:kek:590371888480387073>

2019-09-18 17:06:05 UTC  
2019-09-18 17:07:16 UTC  

@Fitzydog try that if you ain't heard it yet

2019-09-19 20:01:47 UTC  
2019-09-20 12:08:04 UTC  
2019-10-16 21:54:18 UTC  
2019-10-27 02:45:23 UTC  

Kanye's new album is excellent.