Message from @NightOwl

Discord ID: 432497185247068190

2018-04-08 10:43:49 UTC  

Okay i have a real question:
How do you help people to see the value of hard work, when its likely it wont be rewarded in society, IE they will just work hard at shitjob and never make good money

2018-04-08 10:53:37 UTC  

give people what they want

2018-04-08 10:53:57 UTC  

Read How to Win Friends and Influence People

2018-04-08 10:54:05 UTC  

Or at least read the chapter titles

2018-04-08 10:54:34 UTC  

And also encourage others to do the same

2018-04-08 10:55:09 UTC  

if you are someone who gives people what they want when they give you what you want, those people will want to give more to you and then it becomes a virtuous cycle

2018-04-08 10:55:42 UTC  

it's easier said than done for a lot of folks, as far as getting started, but it's πŸ‘Œ

2018-04-08 10:57:11 UTC  

We don't need or want to be rewarded "by society" really. What we care about is the people in our lives and if they are appreciating us for what we have to offer, we'll almost always keep it up, and in a lot of cases try to be even better.

2018-04-08 10:58:11 UTC  

So learn gratitude and appreciation, and share it with others. You know, Random Acts of Kindness type of thing.

2018-04-08 11:01:02 UTC  

or maybe they don't give a shit whether you "appreciate" them or any of that stuffy crap, they just want to be able to leave work at work and have some beers at the end of the day, well if they can do that, they'll work, but they might need to be reminded they can lose that if they don't work

2018-04-08 11:02:18 UTC  

Fuck that

2018-04-08 11:02:27 UTC  

I'm not working for free

2018-04-08 11:04:46 UTC  

who said anything about working for free?

2018-04-08 11:06:09 UTC  

"if you are someone who gives people what they want when they give you what you want"
But that's the whole point of money and capitalism, your money represnt what you gave, and when you pay with that, you get somthing back

2018-04-08 11:07:10 UTC  

"who said anything about working for free?" -
"We don't need or want to be rewarded"

2018-04-08 11:07:23 UTC  

but money isn't the only thing people want

2018-04-08 11:07:58 UTC  

Money is just an idea, it represent what you want

2018-04-08 11:08:36 UTC  

I'm not following you at all

2018-04-08 11:09:11 UTC  

From the beginning, I never said anything about working for free.

2018-04-08 11:09:17 UTC  

I want money

2018-04-08 11:09:24 UTC  

Give me money

2018-04-08 11:11:00 UTC  

Maybe i just really didn't understand your comment

2018-04-08 11:11:02 UTC  

I think you only read "We don't need or want to be rewarded" and didn't read the rest of it and completely misunderstood what I said

2018-04-08 11:11:12 UTC  

try looking at the context

2018-04-08 11:11:17 UTC  

I red all of it

2018-04-08 11:14:11 UTC  

I was just saying that people value more what they recieve from the people in their immediate lives as opposed to "society" which is held as a much more distant concept in most people's minds.

2018-04-08 11:15:20 UTC  

I thought you were responding to Agenten

2018-04-08 11:16:09 UTC  

Yeah, his question of getting people to see the value of hard work. Basically it's taught through the reactions people in our lives have to our hard work.

2018-04-08 11:16:45 UTC  

If we work hard and our parents/family/friends don't care, we won't work hard. If they show gratitude and we get some sort of reward that we enjoy, we'll generally keep it up.

You have changed your name to Muhammad Muhammad

this can only end well

2018-04-08 11:21:44 UTC  

He asked "how you get people to value hard work without getting getting rewarded by society". The way people get rewarded by society is with money. That's why I responded to you with "fuck that". Because I don't see value in hard work if I don't get payed for it

2018-04-08 11:22:13 UTC  

That's why you shouldn't only reward people with money.

2018-04-08 11:22:28 UTC  

People need to know there are other rewards for hard work.

2018-04-08 11:22:38 UTC  

Such as getting to be around other hard working people.

2018-04-08 11:22:49 UTC  

Who are generally well put together and valuable people.

2018-04-08 11:23:49 UTC  

You can't raise a child just on money. It can certainly be useful but it has an end as a teaching tool.

2018-04-08 11:23:51 UTC  

Hard work is only valuable either because you genuinely love what you do, or if you get payed for it

2018-04-08 11:23:59 UTC  

Working hard wont automatically put you with hardwarking people