Message from @flyingfoxel
Discord ID: 433321786671759360
i'm still sad that pepe is cringy now. after all that effort by fake associating it with KKK
the link... IT DOES NOTHING except hurt my soul
Sacrifice the Link
that meme has too many pixels APOLOGISE
see thats how it's done
well played
said by a furfag. kettle calls pot black
lmao true
i mean i love the joke but at the same time that face is one only a mother could love
the pepes
Tucker is on the money with this one
Iv'e only ever tried joints and bongs
But I suspect it needs to get to your brain somehow, and I don't think it can get there through your ass
I have this dude from Florida on snapchat, he smokes wax frequently
how the fuck do you smoke wax??????
intestinal lining is very good at absorbing compounds
yes, true
i assume yes you could get high through your ass. i mean you bypass the liver if you buttchuck and get booze right to the brain
How does it get to your brain
The stuff in your ass doesn't go anywhere but directly outside