Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 433461327768322079

2018-04-11 00:58:53 UTC  

He knows the eyes of the world community are on him

2018-04-11 01:00:56 UTC  

So, why would he do this?

2018-04-11 01:20:01 UTC  

oh yeah media narative is BS on this whos the source,, the rebels. who stands to gain if the US gets involved. Hmmmmmm

2018-04-11 01:37:23 UTC  


2018-04-11 01:38:03 UTC  

they're sexists after all #demoreDinduNuffinWrong

2018-04-11 01:44:06 UTC  

**BabaBooey#5719** was cleansed from the server.

2018-04-11 01:48:35 UTC  

You know this is someone I've been following for actually the last couple of months and it's a little bit more Indie in terms of number of followers but I try to go out of my way to support women like this because as men we are very easily labeled as misogynist if we defy feminism.

2018-04-11 01:49:26 UTC  

Her work is pretty good, it's certainly not professional quality (in the editing domain) but at the same time she is a philosophy major who graduated or is graduating with a four-year degree on the topic. So at least she has a little bit of academic background within the philosophy category, specifically talking about feminism

2018-04-11 02:36:06 UTC  

I will not be Wasserman Schultzed. lol

2018-04-11 02:36:07 UTC  

the pee on towels girl isnt good footage, its just a guy accusing her

2018-04-11 02:47:29 UTC  

If they want equal pay for "equal work", we have to monitor and pay all employees based on their output.
And that comes out of the payroll budget.
I would love to work under such a rule.

2018-04-11 02:48:21 UTC  

IME there's no such thing as equal work, employees with similar credentials can have widely varying outputs

2018-04-11 02:53:28 UTC  

How many Annes does Syria possibly have that we would have to save?

2018-04-11 02:55:34 UTC  

define ``"substantially equal"``, lady.
is that ~=
or ==
or =/=

2018-04-11 02:58:31 UTC  

Do they not take wage negotiations into account? If someone is willing to work for less, why on earth would a business say "no no, we're gonna pay you way more than you are asking for"?

2018-04-11 02:58:52 UTC  

negotiation is everything in highpaying jobs

2018-04-11 02:58:58 UTC  

so basically no

2018-04-11 03:00:33 UTC  

i guess their theory is whatever someone else can negotiate, should be the starting offer(??)

2018-04-11 03:00:45 UTC  

But theyre also negating credentials and loyalty

2018-04-11 03:01:12 UTC  

2 people can be hired for the same job, with one candidate having more relevant experience, or have spent longer with the company

2018-04-11 03:01:28 UTC  

if the company had to fill a role in a pinch, this is very likely

2018-04-11 03:02:56 UTC  

It makes me wonder if large corporations are fine with these policies because they can arguably still function, but smaller business are gonna have a tough time if they cant do what is best for them.

2018-04-11 03:04:11 UTC  

Having progressive equalization policies could get you good PR, leading to a net gain on the back of a loss

2018-04-11 03:06:23 UTC  

Even in a company where statistically women are paid less across the board, i bet you could have a woman in your department making much more than you, because she works instead of planning lawsuits all day

2018-04-11 03:08:54 UTC  

Sidenote, I feel like I was decieved about the whole Damore thing by people who knew the situation and still treated it like some guy maliciously spamming his tract. They *told* him to write the memo as feeedback

2018-04-11 03:10:11 UTC  

yeah that whole thing was bs

2018-04-11 03:11:14 UTC  

There was one company ran by a woman, came out and said she'd be happy to hire Damore, and thought work was more important than politics. I forget which company, which is a shame because I'd put my money with them, given the chance
(if anyone remembers this tweet please post here)

2018-04-11 03:13:05 UTC  

I've worked with some definitely strong female leaders above me, but at the same time it's not the average woman who is going to strive in that job, nor the average man

2018-04-11 03:13:17 UTC  

I just hope this equality thing doesn't get out of hand. Imagine if just picking a better qualified worker is seen as discrimination against less qualified workers, which it obviously is, but watch them make that a bad thing. Like you have to hire shit people as if they are a protected class.

2018-04-11 03:13:35 UTC  

Well theres a funny thing about that law

2018-04-11 03:14:04 UTC  

Also most high achieving women eventually tap out to start a family.

2018-04-11 03:14:19 UTC  

Its not illegal not to hire them. It's illegal to not hire them *for specific reasons*

2018-04-11 03:15:03 UTC  

for instance if i dont wanna hire you because youre a white cis hetero meanie, I can simply not hire you for no particular reason

2018-04-11 03:15:53 UTC  

if I made a note on your CV that says "white af -- DNH!!", that would be illegal

2018-04-11 03:17:05 UTC  

I honestly wouldn't even have a problem with that. For example if applied for a job at a black barbershop and they said no, we only hire black people, I wouldn't even be upset.

2018-04-11 03:17:37 UTC  

I would cry cause im a wigger 😄

2018-04-11 03:17:42 UTC  

it's their business they can run it however they want

2018-04-11 03:18:07 UTC  

it makes sense, you wouldnt be hired in a woman's salon. the job is not only nails, its cameraderie