Message from @Ceekr
Discord ID: 393869277918396416
On you
that wapo reporter used pictures of before the event got filled up. wapo is CIA so what can you expect
Am I the only loser still working until the 24th?
>having a job
@Dinosorcerer where did she even find that wig?!
Don't ask me, man
fuuuuuuck this
I'd rather go on the Venezuela diet
so suddenly genetic engineering is good?
GMO is only bad when used to put pesticides (literal killers) into the seeds of plants
like monsanto does
Don't tell whole food types that tho
I would try that.
@Ceekr, what compounds is monsanto making seeds produce that are bad?
So this came up in conversation
Would you eat Lena Dunham's ass after she ran 5 miles if it meant every non-European would be forever banished from Europe and its colonies?
I'd take Europistan honestly
At least being thrown to my death for saying Muhammed was a pig fucker and god doesn't exist.
I would probably do it but only if the cosmic power of God was behind it
Mr. Repzion sells his underwear and has at least one paypiggy.
Isn't that sexual exploitation of a minor?
I don't think he's that young.
But I'm sure all the pedos chase him.
He is a little twunt
Was he one of the people on Kraut's discord?
No idea
suuuper tired