Message from @Grossly Incandescent
Discord ID: 511290031193718785
It looks fine, but I really don't think it suits everyone
I don't know if I'm ready to stop calling it a "fashy haircut"
So low maintenance, makes the shape of my head look great
People have different face shapes, and different hair cuts look better on different face shapes
It's fine until it gets associated with being an alt right haircut.
At least you don’t call it the Richard Spencer
Before spencer it was called the macklemore haircut
Oh god I remember now
"Ayo man tell your (((barber))) to give you the Spencer!!
Based and also redpilled and not pozzed, my fashy goy"
pop some tags?
? -a
Macklemore song thrift store
We called it that and as a result that banshee Samantha Bee called someone undergoing chemo bc cancer a Nazi 😆
oh OK thanks
<h1> dab </h1>
I wish I knew more about Macklemore than I know about Richard Spencer
I watched a buncha gays get married at a Macklemore concert on tv, I know too much
@Grossly Incandescent yeah I don't want to know as much as you
I've had people tell me it doesn't work on me, but I genuinely don't know what other hair style I'm supposed to get. It's literally the only hairstyle I know how to do besides just leaving my hair messy or doing the skinhead cut.
I've even had my dad complain about me having "that haircut" but WTF haircut does he expect me to have? I'm not gonna do one of those super complex hairstyles that gay people have, and my hair looks horrible when I don't do something with it.
People complain no matter what I do with my hair
@Jacob turn it into a crew cut first
then let it grow out after that
Or start wearing Macklemore concert t-shirts every day
Actually, the only time people don't complain is when I leave it messy and ugly, because unfortunately that's in style in 2018
Really, you should wear it however you want.
You'll know what looks best on you better than anyone else
Yeah dude just be yourself if they don't appreciate you at your worst then they don't deserve you at your best
t. Cursed ex-girlfriend
@ThisIsChrisbased and redpilled
Wait what's a crew cut? I looked it up on Google and it just looks like a mild fashy haircut.
A decent barber will make suggestions about what’ll look good @Jacob
@Jacob yeah that basically
make it milder and milder in stages
old army haircut
Eh, telling me to just be myself is gonna end pretty badly. @ThisIsChris @Josh M. -OH
@Jacob OK then pretend to be cool and hope no one finds out
if I was just myself I'd get a really extreme undercut and wear IE shirts everywhere